Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sec: Request for parent volunteers to help in the school Fun Fair

Ben Lee
President of Student Council
Mayflower Secondary School
81 Woodlands St 82
Singapore 730292

22 Oct 2011

Dear Parents,

­Request for parent volunteers to help in the school Fun Fair

As the president of the Student Council of Mayflower Secondary, I would like to inform you that we are planning to hold a Fun Fair in aid of charity.  The funds raised would be used to provide our needy students with free textbooks, uniforms and pocket money.  The Fun Fair is to be held on 30 November, the last day of the school term.  The venue is at the school soccer field and it will be held from 2 to 6pm.

As the organizer of the Fun Fair, we would like to invite you, parents, to help us make this Fun Fair a success.  We need your assistance!  As the Fun Fair would be held at the school soccer field, we request for help to erect the stalls and to man them on the day itself.  The stalls will be set up using the classroom tables but we need parents who will help us and our pupils to move them to the field.  Parents could also help us by being in charge of individual stalls as the school management believes that by doing so, our students will be able to have more interaction with the parents and learn invaluable skills from them.

Also, for those who love cooking, we urge you to donate food and drinks so well.  If you have the time, you could also help us to sell the food and the soft drinks to our guests and students on that day itself.  Your act of service will be greatly appreciated.

Besides contributing through your ‘muscles’, parents can also help us through your gift donations.  We are actively collecting gifts for the stalls.  You may like to donate your electrical appliances, soft toys and decorative for this event.  If you are feeling extra generous, we welcome even cash donation and shopping vouchers for the winners.  We believe that your generous donations will impart values in the lives of your children to look out for the needy and have kindness for the poor.

Hence, for those parents who are interested to help in one way or the other can contact me at    9220 5759.  Alternatively, you may contact the teacher-in-charge, Mr Ganesh, at 9099 0000.  

As the president of the student council and the organizer of this Fun Fair, I, together with the students of Mayflower Secondary, would like to express our gratitude in advance to all of you, parents, for all the assistance rendered and we look forward to seeing you on 30 November 2011. 

Yours faithfully

Ben Lee

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau