Thursday, November 5, 2015

PSLE: Guinea Pig

The house was quiet except for the crickets' loud chirps to attract a mate. Sue and her three-year-old brother, David, were home alone. Their parents had gone out for some grocery shopping.

“David Tan! You have forgotten to lock the cage again!” A loud voice rang out across the living room. It was Sue and she was pissed to see the door of the cage ajar. It was David’s turn to feed their guinea pig, Pinky, but he had absent-mindedly left the cage open and now Pinky was missing.

“You’d better find our Pinky or you will be dead meat!” Sue yelled threateningly. David wanted to watch his favourite cartoon but he knew better than to incur the wrath of his sister. Obediently, he complied and went searching high and low. However, Pinky was like playing hide and seek with the children for it was nowhere to be found.

As David entered the kitchen, he caught sight of a slight movement and thought it was Pinky. A smile flashed across his rosy face. “Sis, he is hiding under the table!” he whispered to , pointing under the table. As quiet as church mice, they approached the table stealthily, trying hard not to make any sound. They knew how naughty Pinky was and would definitely scamper off as fast as lightning once it was discovered.

As the siblings crouched downwards to have a closer look, shivers ran down their spines. They could hardly believe their eyes! It was not Pinky but a gargantuan white cobra with intricate patterns on it. Their eyes widened in alarm as the vicious-looking snake had actually detected their presence and was obviously displeased, baring its glittering Dracula-like fangs at the terrified kids!

The children froze in paramount fear and hardly dared to move a muscle as the menacing reptile slithered towards them. Venom was oozing from its fangs as the snake shot out a jet of lethal poison which landed only inches away from the fearful children. Tears from David’s eyes fell liberally down his cheeks for he knew the snake was about to launch its attack again.

Sue swallowed the stone lodged in her throat. Her mind raced frantically for a solution but there was none! Just then, a loud squeak reverberated across the kitchen and diverted the attention of the cobra. It was Pinky! It broke the tug of war between the snake and the kids as the snake sprang forward to devour the rodent. Pinky squeaked in agony but the venom soon did its job.

Grabbing this golden opportunity, Sue tugged her kid brother to her side. Together, the kids ran hell for leather out of the house as fast as bullets shot out of a machine gun.

Soon, their parents came back and they immediately notified the pest control to get rid of the snake. Poor Pinky ended up as the cobra’s dinner. The kids bawled their eyes out as the guinea pig was their precious pet. Nevertheless, they were lucky to survive the ordeal unscathed. It had been a close shave. If not for Pinky, one of them could have been the cobra’s victim instead. Since then, the cage was empty for Pinky would never return again.

Photograph Source:

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau