Thursday, February 18, 2016

PSLE: Beware Of Strangers

The funfair was a sight of contagious merriment. Jovial chatters filled the air as families milled around looking for the next exhilarating ride. The synergy of the boisterous crowd raised the noise to a deafening level. Jay smiled as he sat at the bench, waiting for Mum to come back with a sausage bun and a Coke. He spotted a toddler girl with a whole bunch of colourful balloons, smiling away. Her round cheeks were rosy and chubby. It was a look of childlike bliss.

A while later, he caught sight of a bespectacled thin wiry woman with a bucket bag. Something was moving inside it. Something furry. Curiosity got the better of him and he padded towards it. It was a chocolate toy cup poodle with a tiny red bow-tie on its head. It was absolutely gorgeous. Enchanted by the pup, Jay’s face lit up and trailed close behind, weaving through the crowd. He had long forgotten Mum’s instruction to stay put nor her warning to be wary of strangers.

The woman noticed him and flashed a saccharine smile. “This is Muffin. Would you like to cuddle him?”

Jay hesitated a little and finally stretched out his hand to touch the cute little canine. His pearly black eyes shone as he played with the dog. He was so adorable.

“Would you like to see more? I have a carton full of them!” suggested the lady in a pleasant melodious voice.

A carton full of cute pups?  The invitation was totally irresistible! Seizing the golden opportunity, he agreed and tagged close behind as they made their way to the van. Soon, the vehicle came into view. The lady slid open the doors and a carton was inside.   Eagerly, he lifted the flap. Instead of puppies, there was only a girl, The same girl, that he spotted earlier with a bunch of balloons, gagged and tied up. Her cheeks were pale and dull.  She was unconscious. 

Shucks! Horror struck him! Human Traffickers!

The van door clanked to a sudden close. It was locked and the vehicle sped off! Jay was trapped in the miniscule van. His heart palpitated against his ribs and his palms turned cold and clammy. Would he ever see his parents again?  Fear seized him!

Thinking on his toes, he knew he needed to formulate a plan. His dad was a locksmith and he knew a thing or two about unlocking locks. Taking a loose wire lying on the stained carpeted floor, he knew luck was on his side. Click! The lock was undone within mere minutes.

Meanwhile, the van screeched to a halt at a petrol kiosk. Noticing that the lady had gone into the minimart to get some cans of beer, he slid open the door and leapt out with great agility. Next, he closed the door, sprinted like an Olympics athlete and hid behind a bush. Beads of cold sweat dotted his forehead as he prayed fervently not to be discovered.

Soon, the captor returned. Vroom! She stepped on the accelerator and sped off until it finally disappeared down the street. Phew! What a relief!  Jay made a call at the kiosk and his mother came frantically looking for him. At the sight of his mother, Jay threw his pudgy arms around her and gave her a tight embrace. Jay knew his nightmare was finally over.  Jay and his mother reported the case to the police but the kidnapper escaped the long arms of justice and was never caught.  As for the girl, she was never found again.  What had become of that poor little girl?  That remained a mystery.

Since then, whenever Jay recalled that dreadful incident, his face would turn ashen as he shuddered at the thought of what would have become of him if he had never succeeded. A painful lesson sank deep into his heart: Be wary of strangers.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau