Monday, April 25, 2016

PSLE: Kidnap

The day blossomed like a bright and lovely flower. The air was fresh and crisp. Warm rays of the sun filtered through the canopy of leaves, embracing the glistening dewdrops and bidding them farewell. Tom, a five-year old boy was at a funfair with his mother.

" Mummy, I want this top sward, please help me win it." Tom pleaded his mum with his dewy eyes.

"No," came an immediate answer from his mother.  Tom was surprised by the answer. He looked at his mother, the cute puppy eyes look but to no avail.

His oblivious mother ignored him but continued to look at the price of a T-shirt. "You stand at one side first. Do not go away or touch anything," his mother warned him.

At the corner of his eye, Tom caught a quick glimpse of a shiny toy gun hanging by a string, waving in the air. At the sight of it, his mother's ingrained warning flew out of his mind, as he started walking dreamily towards it.

Unfortunately, his mother knew nothing about it. As he walked deeper and deeper into the funfair, the noise reached a deafening level and chatters filled the air. He was distracted.  From the toy gun, he decided to try all the fun rides instead.

However, misfortune was about to strike. Just as he was about to reach the last game in the funfair - the roller coaster, a horrible thought struck him. "Oh no! Where is mummy, where is mummy?" Tom thought as he started to walk back frantically.

He hurried towards where he had last seen his mother and looked around. Alas!  His mother was not in sight! It took Tom a moment to realise - HE WAS LOST!!!

Tom started to walk through the funfair, weaving and meandering at every direction, grabbing every moment he could to spot his mother in the crowd.  The funfair was like a jamboree with people milling around. The synergy of the boisterous crowd and the merriment was making Tom feel the worst feeling of getting lost in his life.

"Mummy, Mummy !" Tom started to shout hopelessly. All of a sudden, a bespectacled thin wiry woman came to Tom and gently tapped him on his shoulder, smiling like a Cheshire cat. "Excuse me, boy, do you want to see puppies in my van?" came her pleasant and melodious saccharine voice.

Upon hearing of the word 'puppies', Tom immediately shouted yes, even though his mother's warning of never to talk to strangers kept ringing in his head profusely. Tom believed the woman and followed her blindly to the van. The woman's face instantly lit up in delight.

When they reached the van, the woman opened the back door, told him to climb inside the van. Tom looked around but there were no puppies! His face turned ghastly pale at the thought of being kidnapped! Tom tried to run fanatically back to the funfair but the woman managed to catch him back and threatened to kill him with a knife if he did not comply.

Tom quietly climbed into the van and sat at a comer as the trafficker tied his hands up. After she tied him up, she sat at the driver's seat and started the engine of the van, chuckling in glee at her imminent windfall.  A child, especially his organs, was worth a fortune.

Worst fear seized Tom.  What if he got his hands and legs chopped off?  What if he ended up becoming a deaf and dumb beggar?  What if what his organs were removed from him?

Not wanting any of that to happen to him, Tom looked around the van and spotted a pair of scissors and got it! He started cutting the ropes off his hands. By the time his was done cutting, he was already blue in his face.

With his hands free, he sat between the miniscule space between two boxes. Knitting his eyebrows together, he contemplated seriously, formulating a plan in his mind. His heart palpitated hardly against his ribs as the brain sped for a solution.

Before long, he found himself staring at the road as the van moved. Tom did not know when the right time to jump was. His palms turned cold and clammy and beads of cold sweat dotted his forehead.

Fortunately, Lady Luck was with him, the van finally stopped at a traffic light junction. Tom seized the golden opportunity and hesitated no more.  Before the van could move, Tom mustered his courage and leapt out of the vehicle with great agility.

After that, he sprinted like the Olympic athlete towards a nearby security stand. His legs started to get tired, but Tom still ran as fast as his legs could carry him, afraid that his captor might find out he was not in the van and could catch up with him.

When he reached the security station, he was breathing heavily.  He told the security guard what had happened.  Upon hearing what Tom had said, the alarmed security guard called up the police. The police arrived shortly and took him to his parents after taking down a detailed statement.

When his parents saw Tom, they were all set to give him an earful but relented knowing that the awful experience would have taught him a good enough lesson.  That day was an unforgettable day for Tom as he learnt not to trust strangers and heed his parents’ warnings at all cost.  It was definitely a very close shave for Tom.  As for the child trafficker, she was caught after an arduous search and justice had been served.

Till now, he shudders and turns ashen-faced whenever he thinks of the dire consequences if he had never managed to escape.

Gun Jo Ken (P5)

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't the kidnapper a her? Why at the end change to "he"?


"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau