Tuesday, March 15, 2016

PSLE: Cheating

Pictures: A teacher scolding, some money and an examination script under the table

The classroom was as quiet as the church mice. Sunlight filtered through the window panes, washing the classroom in its brilliance. Pens were screeching noisily across the examination papers as the students scribbled down their answers. It was a hot and humid day and the scorching sun was baking the room as if it were an oven. Perspiration was drenching the back of their school uniforms.

Everyone was focusing on how to solve the Maths questions as the colossal ceiling fans blew on full blast. Everyone except Johnny. He was bad in Maths and could not solve even a single one. He could imagine the harsh red welts on his buttocks should he fail his Maths examination again. Fortunately for him, his best friend, Neave, was just beside him. Neave was a Maths wizard. 

Waiting edgily for the teacher to go to the far end of the classroom, he turned to Neave and whispered uneasily, “Psst, psst. Can you let me copy? Please!”

Neave let out a long sigh and passed him his answers. He could not leave his best friend in the lurch. Putting the examination script under the table, Johnny stealthily shot into action and wasted no time copying down the answers furiously. His heart raced against his ribs as he prayed fervently under his breath never to get caught for his misdemeanor. 

“Hurry up! I need to check my answers,” Neave hurried his buddy. 

“I’m trying! I’m trying!” Johnny replied impatiently in hushed tone. He was kept on the edge of his seat trying to fill up the answers. Soon, he completed and heaved a sigh of relief. He took a cautious peek before he returned the paper back to his best friend.

“Boys, what are you doing?” A loud voice suddenly pierced through the air. It was Mrs Thomas. In her rage, she stomped like an enraged buffalo towards the cheating boys.

“Are you cheating?” she hollered, her eyes glaring into theirs.

At this instant, the guilty duo turned ashen-faced, with their mouths wide agape. Shivers ran down their spines as they froze like Roman statues. Johnny gulped down the stone in his throat for he knew he had gotten himself and his best friend in hot water. The class was shocked to the core and let out incredulous gasps. In muted voices, they talked among themselves wondering what had happened.

Hapless tears started steaming down the boys’ blanched cheeks. “We…we…are sorry,” the panic-stricken boys stuttered nervously in unison. They pleaded for forgiveness but it fell on deaf ears. Mrs Thomas gave them the mother of all dressing-downs and ordered them to the principal’s office. The boys dragged their feet toward the abattoir, surrendering to their fate. Their death sentence would be awaiting them.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau