Wednesday, March 16, 2016

PSLE: Owning Up

3 Pictures:  A Fire, A Vandalised Wall and A Shattered Vase

Owning up was so hard for Gwen for she did not know what Mom’s response would be. As she stood outside her mother’s room, her heart was beating really fast. What would her punishment be? Her mind started replaying the images of what had happened earlier.

It started as a really happy day.  The sun rose and sunlight crept into the room, invading every nook and corner. Gwen shot out of bed with exuberance plastered all over her cherubic face. She could hardly contain her excitement as it was a very special day. Today was Mother’s birthday and Gwen had a special surprise for her. She had decided to do all the household chores and make the house spotlessly clean. Smiling to herself, she donned on the apron and sprang into action.

First was the floor which she swept and mopped until it was squeaky clean. Next was the dusty furniture. With a soft rag, she painstakingly dusted off the tables and chairs and polished them until there were like shiny rifles. She even wiped the ceiling fans and lights. Gwen was feeling so proud of her achievement. She took a step backwards to admire her hard work. “Done!” she muttered to herself with great satisfaction. She turned around, ready to take a shower. In her haste, she failed to notice the vase on the display shelf, accidentally hitting it. Crash! There was a loud shattering sound and the vase smashed into smithereens.

Gwen blanched in trepidation as she stared in dismay at the ceramic shards. It was the most precious item in the house for it was a gift from Grandpa who had passed away. She was appalled at her clumsiness and was at a loss of what to do! She knew she would be done for and Mother would be so upset. Instead of praising her for her hard work, she would definitely get a dressing-down instead. It was a problem she had to solve. Anxiety gripped her as her mind pondered over her predicament. An idea hit her suddenly. “Get a replacement, stupid!” she thought to herself.

She immediately made her way to the flea market that sold many intricate one-of-a-kind vases but none matched the one that had shattered. She could not find any replacement at all despite walking the entire street until her legs ached like crazy. With sore disappointment weighing heavily in her heart, she made her way home, ready to face the music.

When she reached home, she saw Mom’s handbag on the display shelf where the vase was previously placed. Mother already knew. She was in the room, quietly leaning against her favourite rocking chair, her eyes closed, tears glistening on her dull cheeks. Gwen felt so guilty. Mother must be feeling sad - very sad. After all, it was Grandpa’s parting gift for her. Her mind raced on how to apologise for it was certainly her fault. 

After serious dithering, she decided to write her an apology note. Tears fell on the note as she penned down her words. She then left it on her writing desk, slipped out and hid behind the door. Standing her motionless, she braced herself for a scolding as she saw Mother reading it. Gwen wished whole-heartedly that she would forgive her. She stood outside the ajar door and waited. Mother caught a glimpse of her and stretched her hand towards her. For a long while, Gwen hesitated and stood at the door as she fumbled for the right words.

“Mom, I’m so sorry. I know it was Grandpa’s…most favourite…” Gwen paused to catch her breath in-between sobs. “Would you forgive me?”

“Of course, I would,” came her gentle reply. Tears slipped down the girl’s cherubic face. It felt so good to be forgiven and Gwen finally broke into a smile.

“Thanks for the clean house,” Mom continued and caught her by surprise.

“Mum, happy birthday,” Gwen whispered into her ears as the mother and daughter buckled into a tight hug.

1 comment:

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau