Tuesday, June 28, 2016

PSLE: A Surprise Present

Joelle was troubled.  Her best friend, Peiying, was tearing and she felt so sad on seeing it.  Peiying was staring at her old, tattered school shoes.  It was the sports meet the next day and how was she going to even win in any race?  The holes in her shoes were gaping and the soles were slippery.  Filled with melancholy, Peiying’s tears brimmed in her eyes as she let out a sigh of resignation.

Joelle wanted to do something for her but what should she do? She racked her brain and finally decided to give her an awesome surprise.  A new pair of shoes!  It would probably cost her all her savings but she knew it was the right thing to do.  Mom always taught her to look out for the needs of others.  Since the sports meet was the next day, there was no time to lose.  She rushed home and emptied her savings and visited the mall near her home.

At the mall, the shoe shop had all the latest sports shoes on display.  They were all beckoning her to buy them.  Exuberance filled her heart.  Which one would Peiying like?  Unfortunately for her, they were all out of her meagre budget.  “Is there all you have?  I need to buy a pair for my best friend,” Joelle asked in an almost pleading voice.

The shop assistant caught her hint and smiled.  He immediately showed her the cheapest pair of Nike running shoes and offered to give her another ten per cent off since it was the last pair on display.  It was a bargain she could not refuse.  Joelle beamed with immense joy. With an empty wallet and a pair of decent shoes for her best friend, Joelle almost danced as she made her way home.

The  next day, the sports day finally arrived.  The stadium was packed with students.  As eager as a beaver, Joelle craned her neck, looking high and low edgily for her best friend.  Her sparking white teeth sparkled when she spotted her in a crowd of athletes and jostled and squeezed herself there.

“Peiying, I have a surprise present for you,” she cried out above the din and shoved the brand new shoes into her arms.  Before Peiying could even reply, Joelle was dashed off back to the spectator stand.  What was that?  Peiying opened the gift box and her mouth fell agape in surprise.  Was it a hallucination? A pair of Nike shoes?  She was taken aback by the gleaming new shoes which were a perfect fit.  What an incredible surprise!  She was stunned speechless.  Tears fell like beads from a snapped bracelet.  Since her race was the next in line, she wasted no time at all and wore her new shoes in eager anticipation for the race.

Bang! The starter gun blasted and Peiying took off like the wind. She ran like there was no tomorrow.  Her heart pounded against her ribs as droplets of perspiration slipped from her porcelain skin.  She was determined to win and give her best friend a surprise gift as well.  Finally, she crossed the finishing line and won by a large margin. Joelle felt super proud of her best friend and cheered the loudest at the spectator stand.  It was a memorable moment for both of them.

The next day, there was a gift box on Joelle’s desk in the classroom.  As Joelle opened it, a card and a gold medal greeted her eyes.  On the card was written:
Dearest Jo,

                  Thanks for being a wonderful friend.  Yesterday you gave me the biggest surprise ever and today this is my surprise gift for you. BFF forever.  Muacks!

P. Y.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau