Friday, March 4, 2011

Power Phrases

The water was a deep blue and sunlight glittered on its glass clear surface. 

The playful wind knocked his hat off and everyone laughed.

He took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose, the air hissing  through his moustache.

A chortle escaped through my nose, making a snort.

His authoritative bellow reverberated throughout the room.

The baby chuckled gaily, his cherubic face an expression of gleefulness.

A mirthful smile crept across her angular face.

A pang of pain gripped her heart.

He exploded in full fury and launched into a torrential barrage.

His eyes was dark and gloomy, like a starless sky.

Pudgy and pale with a fizzy ball carrot-coloured, uncombed hair stuck out in odd places on his head.

His voice brushed against my body, making the little hair on my arms stand up.

Sitting at her desk, bloblike, she stared stone-faced on her computer screen.

A short man who looked seriously thuggish with his sagging pants and multiple piercings on his face paced up and down outside my house.

I coaxed like a hostage negotiator on a SWAT team.

He quaked with joy as he burrowed his head into my stomach and nibbled the buttons of my shirt.

Marley was a disaster, unmitigated and without redemption.

He approached me, casting a shadow across my face.

She held my gaze for a moment before she slid off like a spirit.

When she blinked, two shining tears left crystal tracks on her cheeks.

The pain was so excruciating that even the grip of a dog's jaw would seem merely troublesome.

His eyes were grief-stricken hollows.

His black eyes sliced into me, the corner of his mouth tilted up.

Trees were all around his, spring trees with new tender leaves swaying and a clear sun dappling them.

As his mother approached, he steeled himself, cloaking his hatred he felt towards her with a careful demeanor of outward pleasantry.

Her eyes began to take a reddish hue.

A tall brawny man entered the room and spoke in a gravelly voice.

He shaded his eyes from the evening shine.

I felt the floor drop beneath me and my stomach sink down my shoes.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau