Thursday, March 10, 2011

World's smallest man - Junrey at 22 inch tall - aged 17

Junrey Balawing - The worlds smallest man (Pic:Barcroft)
Tiny Junrey Balawing is set to make a little bit of history – when he becomes the world’s shortest man.

At 22in, the 17-year-old is not much larger than a baby but he can’t wait for his big day in June when he hits 18 and is expected to be named as a world beater. Junrey, who is five inches shorter than the current record holder, said: “If I were the smallest man, it would be very cool.”

He is the eldest of four children but has to stay at home all day so mum Concepcion, 35, can look after him. She said: “Junrey can only walk with help and he can’t stand for too long because he’s in too much pain.
“But he loves it when I tell him he’s the smallest man in the world. He smiles with pride.” Concepcion and Junrey’s blacksmith dad, Reynaldo, who live in a remote part of the Philippines, realised something was wrong when he was two. But medics were unable to help. At 12, he was told to get vitamins they could not afford.

Nino Hernandez, 24, of Colombia, is currently the world’s smallest man at 27 inches. But he’s about to be undercut by another little miracle.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau