Monday, April 4, 2011

PSLE: Mishap at Train Station

“Finally, school has ended,” chirped Ethan, the older twin, who sported a mop of black hair.  “Oh yeah, and we are going to play football,” exclaimed Cordell, the younger twin, who flashed a toothy grin.  It was after school in the sultry afternoon and the two boys were waiting for the train with their  friend, Fraser. 
“Here come the uninvited guest,” Cordell announced with a snort.  Before them was the chubby Chinxian  with bronze-tanned skin and his buddy, Weiliang.  Chinxian was the top soccer player in school and he was known for his arrogance.
Spotting the ball under Cordell’s armpit, Chinxian taunted, “Let’s play ball!  Oh well, I am sure  none of you can beat me!”
The trio felt insulted!  With the gauntlet being thrown, the three boys rose to the challenge.  “I give you a headstart!  Three versus two!”  Chinxian continued.  “The team who gets the ball and manage to dribble to the assigned end wins!”
Soon, the match began.   The boys treated the MRT platform as a soccer field and created a scene with their tackle.  Fortunately, the platform was speckled with only a few commuters as it was not the peak hours.  However, they were staring at them disdainfully. 
Suddenly, Cordell had a brainwave and whispered to his team, “Let’s trick Chinxian into falling down onto the train tracks!”  Everyone nodded sheepishly.
The trio started inching nearer to the edge of the platform.  Would they succeed?  Unfortunately, disaster was awaiting them.  The boys were engrossed in the game.  They were taking it very seriously.  Just then, Chinxian arrowed for the ball and Cordell made use of this golden opportunity to trip Chinxian over.   However, the joke was on him. Instead of Chinxian falling into the track, Cordell lost his balance and fell into the devil’s pit instead!
Thud!  Cordell landed on the stony tracks.  Suddenly, rattling noise could be heard.  The train was speeling like a demon towards the station.  Ethan froze like a statue!  The honk from the train snapped him out of his terrified trance.  “Quick, grab my hand!”  Ethan shouted.
Chinxian dashed forward and yelled, “Grab mine too!”
The hands of three boys locked one another in a death grip. They tried to pull him to safety.  The noise of the train was getting louder by the second.  Cordell swiveled his head and stared at the approaching train.  His heart was lodged in his throat and his legs turned to lead.  He was going to die!
Booonnnk!  The train slowed down but could not stop in time.  It smashed into Cordell before coming to a halt.  “CORDELL!!!”  Everyone shrieked!   Their hearts literally stopped beating.  Finally, the train screeched to a stop.  The boys craned their necks to see Cordell who was under the train.
Cordell was conscious.  However, he was seriously injured.  One of his legs was missing.  The knee bone was jutting out with blood streaming out continuously.  The SMRT officer immediately called the Civil Defence.  Everything became blurry for Cordell and before he knew it, he was already warded at the Intensive Care Unit.  Cordell paid a heavy price for his mischief.  His life was saved but he has lost his right leg for good. 

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau