Monday, June 13, 2011

6-year-old stabbed to death in M'sia for being noisy

Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - A six-year-old boy from the Malaysian state of Sabah paid a deadly price for being noisy, Malaysian newspaper Metro Ahad reported.
Mohd Khairadri Awang Ahmad and two elder siblings were attacked by their furious uncle who could not stand the din the children were making while playing in their home at the Sandakan municipal council flats in Jalan Batu Sapi on Friday afternoon.
The uncle, who lived a floor below the children's home, used a kitchen knife to slash the little boy, his brother, Mohd Fadli Zairi, 12, and sister Nur Salinah, 10.
Neighbours rushed the three children to the Duchess of Kent Hospital, where Mohd Khairadri, who was stabbed in the stomach, was pronounced dead on arrival.
Mohd Fadli was treated for cuts on his chest and Nur Salinah for an injured wrist.
The tabloid reported that the children's parents were not home at the time of the incident.
The uncle, in his 20s, had gone up to their unit and warned the children to be quiet as their noise was disturbing him.
When they ignored him, the man went into the kitchen to grab the knife.
The two elder children managed to flee to a neighbour's house to seek help after the attack.
Mohd Khairadri, however, was found in a pool of blood when the neighbour rushed to their home.
Sandakan deputy OCPD Sup Fadzil Mohd Ali said a suspect has been arrested and was being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau