Tuesday, September 27, 2011

PSLE: Kitten Abuse

   I trudged my way home after the piano lesson while the sun beat down mercilessly on me.  I felt like a roasted chicken as there was no breeze at all.  I was tired and my legs felt like lead.  As I passed by  the neighbourhood playground, I heard a piteous sound.    What could it be?

                Curiosity soon got the better of me.  Without hesitation, I went to investigate and tiptoed behind an enormous tree. Suddenly, I heard a mewing of a cat.  Two boys in uniforms were throwing stones and pebbles at a frail kitten which was shuddering in fear.  Before them was a helpless  girl in ponytails was sobbing sadly.

“ Please don’t hurt the cat.  It’s merely a little kitten,” she pleaded meekly.

One of the boys sniggered, “Oh yeah?  We shall have some fun first.”

The other boy, a taller and stouter one, holding a screwdriver in his hand then tossed it at the cat.  The girl immediately sprang into action and spread her arms to block the hurling and shouted, “Don’t hurt at it!”

I could not stand it anymore and rushed to her aid.  “Stop that right now!”  I bellowed at the top of my voice, standing up to justice .   The boys merely cast a nonchalant glance and burst into evil laughter.  They stared steely at me and hissed, “Who do you think you are?  Are you the boss of our gang, you puny little boy?” 

I was furious as I clenched my fist and felt like punching them.  “No, don’t risk it!  The boys are bullies,” the girl gave her urgent pleas. 

                The boys started approaching me, with their fists punching against their palms.  I was terrified! 

Lady Luck was on my side.  In the nick of time, before they could lay their hands on me, a burly  policeman who was on patrol boomed, “What are you doing here?”

                The two boys’ hearts melted instantly and became timid.  Their mouths were agape in fright.    They  transformed from lions to kittens!  Their faces went as white as snow and their legs turned to almond jelly.  Secretly, I flashed a smirk!

The police officer reprimanded them severely.   They hung their heads in humiliation.  The policeman took down their names and issued a stern warning.  I cheered within my heart.  When the police commended me, I was in high spirits.  Then, I offered to send the girl home and bring the kitten to the vet for treatment.    With light steps in my stride, I beamed with pride, knowing that I have done a good deed. 

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau