Friday, March 9, 2012

PSLE: Home Alone

The house was pitch dark for no one was at home except me.  I was home alone.  The moon in the starry sky outside my bedroom window was especially round and bright.   I tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep for the croaking toads were making a cacophony of noises.  Suddenly, I heard a noise.  Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to take a look. 

I looked out of the window and caught a glimpse of movement.  He squinted his eyes, adjusting to the dark.  A suspicious figure was lurking under the blanket of darkness.  He was camouflaged by dark clothes.  He was balancing himself precariously on an overturned rubbish bin, looking through the window of my house.

What was he up to?  After some effort, he managed to climb into my house.   I froze in terror as shivers ran down my spine.  What should I do?  “Hide! Idiot!” I thought to myself.  Immediately, I climbed under the bed and kept really still.  Outside my room, I heard rummaging noises.  He must have sprung into action, searching for valuables.  “Please God!  Don’t let him find me!”  I muttered a quick prayer.  Or else, I would be dead meat!

The footsteps grew louder and louder.  My heart beat faster and faster.  He opened the door to my room.  Oh no!  His torchlight shone around.  I could see his black boots, soiled with mud.  I covered my mouth, not daring to breathe loudly. 

Suddenly, the main door creaked open.  The man, upon hearing the sound, was in a fluster and quickly hid in my cupboard.  I crept out from the bed silently and ran to my dad.  I cupped my hand near his ear and whispered, “Dad, there is a burglar hiding in my cupboard!”

My dad instructed me to call the police while he headed toward my room.  With a pistol in his hand, he entered and cried out, “Police!  Hands on your head!  Get out of the cupboard now!  You are under arrest!”

The man was shocked by this sudden outcome of events.  He dropped his bag and surrendered immediately.  My daddy quickly slapped his handcuffs over his wrists.  Soon, siren wailed down the street.  Four policemen hopped off the patrol car and arrested him. 

One of them patted my father’s shoulder and commended, “Good job!  Sergeant Tan!  This crook has been burgling the houses in the neighbourhood for months!”

My dad gave me a wink and replied, “The credit goes to my son!  He was the one who spotted the burglar and called the police!”  At that moment, pride swelled my heart!  I was glad to save the day or the "night"  for the matter.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau