Friday, April 20, 2012

PSLE: Stealing Rambutans

You and your sister had just moved into a new house.  You saw rambutans hanging from a neighbour’s vacant house.

Stealing Rambutans

The day dawned bright and lovely.   It was our first morning in this brand new house.   Temperature had dropped to a cosy level.   Sun rays filtered through the curtains, waking me and my younger sister, Audelia, up.  We were feeling famished but there was no food at home and our parents were out.  From the window, I spotted juicy rambutans hanging on a huge tree.  Saliva started drooling and a brainwave hit me like a lightning bolt. 

I turned to my sister and suggested, “Why don’t we pluck some rambutans to fill our stomachs?”

Audelia turned white with horror.  “No!” she exclaimed.  “We shouldn’t steal!”

“Don’t worry!   It is a vacant house!”  I reassured her, looping my arm over her shoulders.

Audelia’s eyes lit up with delight.   She agreed and we wasted no time and crept into the vacant house undetected.

“Audelia, why don’t you climb up the tree since you are lighter and more flexible?”  I asked her, pointing at my bulging tummy.

Being very obliging, she flashed a sweet smile and consented.  Without hesitation, Audelia climbed up the tree as agile as a monkey.  Soon, she was swiftly nicking the rambutans and hurling some to me like a shot-put athlete.

Out of the blue, I caught a glimpse of movements.  Realization dawned on me that the neighbour was back!  I was taken aback and immediately turned ashen-faced.   I turned to my sister and whispered, “Au, come down now!  The neighbour is back!”

Audelia was seized with panic and her palms turned clammy.  As she was clambering down, she lost her footing, fell victim to the slippery dew-covered branch and tumbled down with a loud thud.

At once, she lost consciousness and I screamed in terror for I was shocked to the core.  To my surprise, my newfound neighbour rushed to help.  He had a muscular frame and lifted Audelia up as if she was a feather.  He instructed me to run home and call the ambulance.

Soon, the ambulance wailed down the street and whisked Audelia off to the nearest hospital.  Audelia turned out to be fine, except for a big bump on the head and some minor cuts and bruises.  I got a huge dressing-down from my parents for my misdeed.  My parents also expressed their immense gratitude towards our new neighbour, Kelvin, for his help.

Till now, we have become great neighbours and best of friends.  We do not have to steal rambutans anymore.  We have free ones from Kelvin, our neighbour – of course.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau