Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nouns and verbs + prepositions – answers

Fill in the blanks.

Henry had never had such an embarrassing morning in his life. His colleagues had been less than sympathetic to his idea of giving in his notice and going to try to make a go of it in a remote croft in the very north-west of Scotland. His departure would leave them short of staff in an already busy season.
When he'd approached HR to inform them
 of his decision to leave, several members of the ancillary staff had just laughed outright at his explanation. They pointed out that he had no experience of farming, that his whole idea was based on the myth that people can revert to living 'the simple life' when what he really was after, like everyone else, was 'the good life' with good food and wine and entertainment on tap.
They accused him
 of watching far too much TV and told him he would benefit from what they called 'a serious reality check'. Henry refrained from justifying his decision, but he cringed as he left the office on hearing what was obviously someone cracking a joke at his expense. 
As for Henry's boss - well, he was simply furious
 at what he saw as a betrayal of his trust. He told Henry he'd had to battle for his appointment in the first place and foresaw people voicing a general lack of confidence in his running of the firm. Henry wondered miserably if he should just give up the whole idea. 

Henry had never had such an embarrassing morning
 in his life. His colleagues had been less than sympathetic to his idea of giving in his notice and going to try to make a go of it in a remote croft in the very north-west of Scotland. His departure would leave them short of staff in an already busy season.
When he'd approached HR to inform them
 of his decision to leave, several members of the ancillary staff had just laughed outright at his explanation. They pointed out that he had no experience of farming, that his whole idea was based on the myth that people can revert to living 'the simple life' when what he really was after, like everyone else, was 'the good life' with good food and wine and entertainment on tap.
They accused him
 of watching far too much TV and told him he would benefit from what they called 'a serious reality check'. Henry refrained from justifying his decision, but he cringed as he left the office on hearing what was obviously someone cracking a joke at his expense. 
As for Henry's boss - well, he was simply furious
 at what he saw as a betrayal of his trust. He told Henry he'd had to battle for his appointment in the first place and foresaw people voicing a general lack of confidence in his running of the firm. Henry wondered miserably if he should just give up the whole idea. 

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau