Sunday, September 8, 2013

O Level: Do you agree or disgree? (Simplified version)

PepsiCo is a company well positioned for the global market. Do you agree or disagree?

Adding information/Stating a paragraph topic

In addition/Furthermore/Moreover/Secondly, PepsiCo tailors its marketing strategy to make its products more appealing to consumers the world over.

Sharing an example

For example/For instance, PepsiCo alters its traditional blue colour scheme to red in China to take advantage of the positive local sentiments associated with the colour.

Take PepsiCo’s branding in China as an example. Culturally, the Chinese prefer red and thus the traditional PepsiCo image is altered to suit local tastes.

As PepsiCo’s altering of its colours from blue to red in China shows, it is a company that is willing to cater to the markets of its consumers.

PepsiCo is a company that has been willing to alter its image for large international markets, such as China.

PepsiCo is a company that has been willing to alter its image for international markets, namely major emerging countries like China and India. (“Namely” refers to the most major example, so in this case sharing only one country could be slightly awkward.)

PepsiCo’s marketing strategy in China exemplifies this precisely. In China, PepsiCo has altered its branding from blue to red to take advantage of the positive sentiments associated with the colour among locals.

PepsiCo’s marketing strategy in China plays a good example here.

PepsiCo’s marketing strategy in China is an obvious example.

This can be seen in PepsiCo’s decision to change its branding from blue to red in China to take advantage of local colour preferences, for example/for instance.

Showing effect/Drawing conclusions

As a result of these marketing efforts, PepsiCo has become one of the most popular soft drink brand names in the world’s second largest economy.

Because of these marketing efforts, …

Owing to these marketing efforts, …

Due to such aggressive marketing strategies, …

Such aggressive marketing strategies, as a result, have allowed PepsiCo to become one of the most popular soft drink brand names in the world’s second largest economy.

As PepsiCo is among the top soft drink brand names in the world’s second largest economy, the effectiveness of its marketing strategy can be seen.

…is clear.

…is obvious.

…is apparent.

Therefore, it can be concluded that PepsiCo is a company clearly capable of positioning itself for growing global markets.

This discussion clearly shows why PepsiCo is a company capable of positioning itself for growing global markets.

Thus, it can be seen that PepsiCo is a company capable of positioning itself for growing global markets.

It can thus be concluded that PepsiCo is a company capable of positioning itself for growing global markets.

Thus, the link between PepsiCo and global market positioning can be seen.

PepsiCo, as a result, can be concluded as a company with strong positioning for the global market.

PepsiCo’s ability to position itself for growth in China establishes with clarity that it is a company with effective strategy for global markets.


Many companies stick to traditional logos and slogans when entering new markets like China. However, PepsiCo has been versatile in that it has radically altered its historically blue can to better suit Chinese buyers.

Despite the fact that many companies are sticking to traditional logos and slogans when entering new markets like China, PepsiCo has decided to be versatile and has radically altered its historically blue can to better suit Chinese buyers.

In spite of the fact that…

While it is true that many companies have stuck to traditional logos and slogans when entering new markets like China, PepsiCo made the decision to be versatile and radically altered its historically blue can to better suit Chinese buyers.

In many circles, companies have decided to stick to their tried and true advertising methods when entering new markets like China. PepsiCo, however, bucked this in China when they radically altered their traditionally blue can to better suit Chinese buyers.

Many companies have decided to stick to their tried and true advertising methods when entering new markets like China. Nevertheless, PepsiCo has decided to be versatile and radically altered its historically blue can to better suit Chinese buyers.

In contrast, …

Here is the above vocab summarized in a table:



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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau