Saturday, October 19, 2013

O Level: Proposal to host the student-exchange programme

To: Mrs Julie Lee
From: Chung Chinxian
President of the Student Council
Date: 21st October 2013
Proposal to host the one-day student-exchange programme from China
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to propose for the one-day student-exchange programme from China.  After much deliberation and discussion over the three options offered, I feel that the best option is to give the guests information about the school, to allow the councilors to bring them round the school and to let the foreign students participate in a few selected co-curricular activities.
First, let me explain why this particular option is strongly recommended.  Since the foreign students want an academic and cultural exchange programme to enrich their overseas experience, I believe that providing information about the school can help them to understand more about the school curriculum and the educational system in Singapore.  They get to know the subjects that we take and our typical learning environment.  Furthermore, by bringing the students around the school, they will have a chance to find out more about the school and how lessons are conducted by teachers.  Finally, letting our visitors participate in some of our CCAs, it allows them to experience student’s life in Singapore and provides the opportunity to interact with our own students.  Since some CCAs are very cultural-based, our visitors will also get to learn more about the cultures in our country.

Next, let me briefly explain, why this option is better than the other two.  Firstly, holding a concert during this period is not recommended as it is only one month to the major examinations.  Secondly, we feel that the forum is not interesting enough since teenagers prefer to have hands-on activities and peer interaction with one another.
Finally, allow me to elaborate the programme schedule.  Firstly, the students will join our flag-raising ceremony.  After that, we will invite them to the hall to tell them more about our school.  This is followed by a tea-break before we bring them for a school tour.  During lunchtime, the foreign students will get to taste our local food at the canteen.  After their meal, we will arrange to bring them to the CCA rooms to participate in the CCA activities.
In summary, I feel that the proposed suggestion is the best way for us to give the China students an unique and enriching experience.  Thank you for considering my proposal and I sincerely hope that my recommendation will be of use to you in your final selection.
Proposal written by:
Chung Chin Xian

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau