Saturday, October 5, 2013

O Level: Social Media Versus Traditional Media

Social media has rapidly integrated itself into our everyday lives, both personal and professional, and it’s perhaps had no greater impact than on the world of marketing, with consumers and brands seeing enormous benefits and changes.
But how does social media compare to traditional marketing? What are the pros and cons of each?
The advantages of social media marketing are numerous.
  1. It’s cheaper. A lot cheaper. You can reach 1,000 people for a fraction of the cost using social media than you can through television, billboards or even email
  2. Social media is the only marketing platform that allows you to engage and interact with your consumers – it’s a two-way relationship, which can be hugely lucrative for brands
  3. The results are measurable, and marketers can take immediate action to spot trends and re-align campaigns
It’s not all gravy, though. Social media campaigns can be time consuming and the impact can disseminate very quickly, whereas traditional marketing campaigns, certainly in television, can produce short term results that have greater tangibility.
This infographic from takes a closer look at social media vs traditional marketing.

(Source: Social media image via Shutterstock.)


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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau