Thursday, April 24, 2014

PSLE: A cat in the tree

The golden sun shone through the emerald foliage of leaves, casting elongated shadows on the ground. It was a lovely morning. Tom padded along the edge of a glittering lake, admiring the scene of a pair of swans with a string of cygnets tagging close behind. 

“Tommy, help!” A familiar scream sliced through the air which almost caused Tom's heart to skip a beat. It was his three-year-old sister, Roshel! She was on the wooden bench just a moment ago. Now, she was missing! 

Tom hastened his steps in search for his sister. A thousand thoughts darted across his mind! Where could Roshel possibly be? Was she in danger? He finally located the source of her cries which came from the direction of an old Oak tree. He rushed toward it. Looking up, he craned his neck trying to catch a glimpse of where she could be. His eyes squinted as he needed to fight against the bright light from the strong morning rays. Finally, he spotted her right on the - highest - branch.

“Roshel! What on earth are you doing on the tree? Are you trying to get me into trouble again?” Tom yelled at the top of his lungs.

“Tommy! There is a little kitten on the tree! I think it's stuck. I must save it!” she exclaimed frenetically.

“Come, kitty, kitty! Come to mummy!” Roshel spoke gently, trying to give the kitten assurance. The cat was quivering in trepidation at the end of the tapering branch, meowing in fright.

Knitting his brows earnestly, Tom had to assess the situation fast. Being round and fat, he could not possibly climb up at all. Thinking on his toes, he contemplated seriously his next line of action.

A sudden loud crack echoed through the air. The branch that Roshel was on was about to snap into two! Her face went ashen and her palms turned clammy. “Save me, Tommy!” she pleaded earnestly, hugging the branch real tight.

By this time, Tom's heart was palpitating against his ribs. Fear pulsated in him as he knew he would be done for if Roshel would have met any mishap! 

Just then, he spotted a huge garbage bin a few metres away filled to the brim with dried leaves and twigs. In a flash, he made his dash and pushed the bin towards the tree.

Crack! “Awwww!” Roshel screamed as she fell towards the ground with the kitten as well. It happened so fast that Tom's mouth grew agape in horror. He could not even catch his breath. Both human and feline plopped straight into the bin! Phew!

“Are you okay, Roshel?” Tom asked, slapping her face lightly. She opened her marble black eyes and a grin splitted across her face as if nothing had happened. “Of course, I am!” she replied, giggling. The kitten turned out fine too. What a relief for Tom!

Tom heaved her sister out of the bin. Cradling the white furry kitten in her arms, Roshel's face lit up in delight and asked, “Tommy, you think Mommy would let me keep the kitten?” Her naughty smile showed her full set of pearly white teeth sparkling in the brilliant sunlight.

Tom stared at her in disbelief.  Shaking his head, he wondered to himself when Roshel would get him into trouble again. 

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau