Friday, July 24, 2015

2015 PSLE MATHS EXAM VIDEOS: A promise to keep - Videos for 2015 End of Year Exam Papers

Dear parents

I have promised some parents to do some of the year-end Maths P2 for your children.  In total, I did 6 school papers.  Some are still in the process of editing.

It has been an uphill task.  I needed to retype the questions and modified them.  Some videos needed 1-2 hours to complete because of 'NG' and editing. Sometimes, a car passed by or my dog barked and I needed to redo to have a good recording.   Imagine doing a hundred videos just to keep a promise!

All the questions are modified so that your children can watch them and try to do the original ones again after watching the videos.     I really hope the videos can help your kids prepare for their examinations.

If the videos are helpful, please help me like the facebook page and share the page so the facebook notification will notify you when there are more videos.  It will also spur me on to do more. However, instead of doing the full paper 2, I think we should focus on the tough ones.

All the best for their coming examinations.


Julie Lee

2015 Tao Nan SA2 Mathematics Paper 2 - Modified Version

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 1

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 2

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 3

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 4

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 5

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 6

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 7

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 8

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 9

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 10

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 11

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 12

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 13

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 14

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 15

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 16

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 17

Modified 2015 Tao Nan Paper 2 Question 18

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau