Monday, July 11, 2011

Jailed parents turn up to bid son farewell

Jul 6, 2011

Both, believed to be held for drug offences, given leave from prison

The mother (in white shirt) of the five-year-old boy, who was found dead in a flat in Teck Whye on Sunday, returning to the prison van after bidding farewell to her son yesterday. The funeral was held at a relative's home in Stirling Road. -- ST PHOTO: TED CHEN

THE mother arrived in a Singapore Prison Service van. An hour later, so did the father.
Yesterday, the parents of a five-year- old boy who was found dead in a flat in Teck Whye on Sunday were granted compassionate leave from jail to bid their son farewell.
At about 4pm, the 45-year-old mother, who is believed to be serving a four-year term for a drug-related offence, arrived at the void deck of a block of flats in Stirling Road. The funeral was being held at a relative's home.
The petite, short-haired woman, who was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and pants, appeared weak as she climbed out of the van, shackled and accompanied by officers.
Inside the flat, she broke down when she saw her youngest son's body and was consoled by the prison officers. She knelt and stroked his face, and was with him for about 15 minutes before being taken back to Changi Women's Prison.
About an hour later, another prison van with the boy's father pulled up at the carpark. The man, in his late 40s, is also believed to be serving a four-year term for a drug-related offence.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau