Monday, July 11, 2011

Man beats up wife in public for ‘not listening’


A man from Anhui, China, was seen beating up his wife in public because she would not listen to him. (Image:
A man from Anhui, China, was seen beating up his wife in public because she would not listen to him. (Image: c …

A man took to the streets in China to beat up his wife in broad daylight, because she would not listen to him.
A series of graphic images posted on content aggregation website detailed the attack, where the man elbowed his wife to the ground, pinning her in place while he held her by the hair and repeatedly slapped her on the face.
He later dragged her by the hair over several metres as she wailed from the beating, before letting her go with a threatening warning.
It was reported that the couple is from Anhui, and had travelled to Zhejiang province to find work, but disagreed on whether or not they needed separate work certificates. According to the unnamed man, his wife insisted on the two of them applying for work certificates together, triggering his raging attack.
See the images of his vicious assault below.

Here, the man raises his arm, about to strike his wife down with his elbow. (Photo:
Here, the man raises his arm, about to strike his wife down with his elbow. (Photo:

The man pins her down to the kerb of the road. (Photo:
The man pins her down to the kerb of the road. (Photo:

The man grabs her hair as he slaps her repeatedly across her face. (Photo:
The man grabs her hair as he slaps her repeatedly across her face. (Photo:

He then drags her by the hair along the pavement. (Photo:
He then drags her by the hair along the pavement. (Photo:

He uses his foot to prevent her from trying to cling to a nearby lorry. (Photo:
He uses his foot to prevent her from trying to cling to a nearby lorry. (Photo:

He then threatens to continue beating her if she did not obey him. (Photo:
He then threatens to continue beating her if she did not obey him. (Photo:


  1. Been there. Not in public, but in private. This is exactly what I remember. The pulling of the hair, I was almost punched in the face, I was dragged down the hallway by my hair. It was absolutely terrifying. Only my husband is 340 lbs. He is scary, scary, scary and a definite ogre. I left him.


"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau