Thursday, January 5, 2012

PSLE: Train Accident

                 “Big brother, will you protect me forever like all big brothers do?” Tim asked, his sparkling white teeth glittering in the light. 

                “Of course!  Now and forever,” his lanky brother, Thomas, replied, almost as a-matter-of-fact.

                The two brothers were on their way home from an outing.  It was a tiring day but fun day for them.  The train was bursting with bustling crowd of families.  Bubbly voices of children merry-making filled the air.  There was no seat at all so the duo had to battle for a small standing spot.

                The sky outside the window darkened.  Ominous dark clouds hung in the air.  A heavy downpour was imminent.  Suddenly, a flash of  forked lightning lit up the horizon and a deafening sound of thunder followed after it.

                “Thom, I am scared!” the timid Tim tugged his brother’s t-shirt.

                “Timmy, don’t worry.  I am here!” Thomas gave his brother’s hand a tight squeeze. 

                Out of the blue, an even brighter lightning flashed again.  This time, they were not so lucky!  It struck the train’s engine which rattled violently and threw everyone off.  The lights in the carriages started flickering portentously and darkness swallowed the whole train.      It soon rattled to a halt.

                “Timmy, where are you?”  Thom shouted.

                “Thom, I am here!” came the reply a few feet away.

                Thom and Timmy hugged tightly and Thom spoke solemnly, “Let’s get out of the train fast!”

              As everyone was rushing to the exit, they heard a familiar rumble.  The boys looked out of the window.  Oh my god! Another train was speeding towards the halted train.  Pandemonium struck.  Screams and shrieks pierced through the air.  It was as if everyone was heading to hell!   

                Thom and Timmy were at the last cabin.  The older one held the younger one tight.  “Timmy, I will protect you as promised.”  Thom’s body steeled over Timmy to bear the brunt of the impact. 

                A deafening crash was heard and  the impact  threw the two out of the train.  Thomas lost consciousness as Timmy crawled out of Thomas’ body. 

                “Thom, don’t sleep!  Don’t sleep! You promised to protect me!”  Timmy wailed non-stop, his pearl-like tears roll down his cherubic cheeks as he shook his limp body.  Blood seeped from his blood-stained lips.

                There was no reply.  Thomas was dead.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau