Thursday, January 19, 2012

PSLE: Movie Trip Went Wrong

“Daddy, we are hungry.  Could you get some food for us?”  I suggested with a glitter in my eyes.  
 We were in a cinema, waiting for the movie ‘Mission Impossible 3’ to start.  My little brother, Ethan, a wee little three-year-old boy, was with us, sitting on my lap.
 “Please, Daddy,”  Ethan pleaded as well.  My brother was a popcorn lover.  He could have a million tubs and not be full. 
Daddy smiled and winked at us.  “Stay here and don’t go anywhere.”
I watched as Daddy disappeared behind the thick curtains.  The trailers were playing one after another.  All of a sudden, the screening stopped and everything turned pitch-black.  I could not even see my brother on my lap.  Overwhelmed by fear, my brother burst out crying, his tears like an open tap.
“Don’t cry! Dad will come back for us,”  I reassured the little Ethan repeatedly.  Ethan did not listen.  Instead, he leaped off my lap and was swallowed by the thick darkness.  

“Ethan, come back!”  There was no reply.  I told myself to stay calm believing that I could find him once the lights were up again.  Strangely, I had an ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Somehow, I knew something terrible was about to unfold.
I waited in great anxiety.  Dad was taking too long and where on earth was Ethan?  Suddenly, filthy smoke was billowing into the cinema.  The place was on fire! All hell broke loose and panic punctured the air.  What should I do?  I had to find Ethan fast.  

“Ethan, where are you?”  I yelled the umpteenth time.  Anxiety coursed through my veins as I spotted shadows of people rushing for the exits. 
"Dad, please come back,"  I thought to myself as I wandered about.
Thud!  I fell heavily for I had tripped over.  What was it?  I groped in the dark and found a small little body.   It was a child!  Could it be Ethan? A brainwave hit me!  Look for his Mickey Mouse watch!    I felt for his hand.  Yes, I found the watch!  I flipped open the cover and the Disney melody filled the air.  “Ethan, I have found you at last!”
Alas!  There was no reply.  Ethan was unconscious.  He was probably stampeded by the hysterical crowd.  I had to save him!  Immediately, I tried to lift him up but he was too heavy for an eight-year-old like me.    Using all my strength, I dragged his body toward the exit.  I knew I had to work fast.  The fire might spread and kill us both.
After what had seemed like eternity, I finally reached the exit.  No one was there anymore.  All had escaped.  There were still many flights of stairs to descend!  My heart dropped.  I would rather die than leave my brother here.
Out of the blue, a familiar voice rang out, “Ethan and Evan!  I have finally found you!”  It was Daddy!
His muscular body swooped us up and we managed to escape from the building.  There were ambulances waiting for the injured.  The paramedics immediately whisked us to the nearest hospital.  Dad and I were discharged while Ethan was hospitalised for a fractured ribcage.  Before we left,  Ethan asked, “Daddy, where is my popcorn?”  We looked at each other and burst out laughing at a loss of words.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau