Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PSLE: Kidnap!

Lucas lay on the dusty floor, unconscious.  His mouth was gagged with a filthy cloth and his hands were bound by sharp, rusty wire.  His breathing was slow and laboured.  Cockroaches were scurrying about.  A black widow spider was spinning a web at a corner of the room.  A malodorous stench permeated the room.  Slowly, Lucas stirred and regained consciousness.  He dawned upon him that he was kidnapped.  He could not help but recalled what had happened that fateful day.

The day blossomed like a bright and lovely flower.  Warm rays of the sun filtered through the canopy of leaves.  Lucas was on his way to school.  Springy footsteps echoed about the pavement. 

 As he skipped forward, a van suddenly screeched to a halt and two burly men leapt out of the vehicle.  Before Lucas could even utter a word or put a struggle, he was knocked unconscious and tossed into a gunny sack and dumped into the van.   The next thing he knew was that he was kidnapped!

When Lucas came round, he found himself in a creepy room.  Faintly, he could hear rough voices outside the room.

“It has been four days.”

“If the ransom does not come in by today, we will kill him.”

The discussion continued deep into the night.  An uncanny silence then followed.  Fear began pulsating in Lucas.  What should he do?  Wait for the police?  No!  He must escape!  He started to wriggle free from the wire.  Blood trickled down his hands.  Still, he was determined to escape – fast!  After a tedious struggle, the wire came off.  He spit out the filthy cloth.  Lucas waited patiently.  Soon, he heard loud snores.  Lucas grabbed the golden opportunity and slowly opened the door.   The two burly kidnappers were sound asleep.

He thought Lady Luck was with him.  He was wrong!  He opened the main door and a cold stare greeted him.  A shiver ran down his spine.  The lanky kidnapper encased him in his long limbs.  Lucas tried to struggle free but it was to no avail.  He was no match for the lean kidnapper.  He screamed in anguish and the tumultuous commotion woke the other two up.

The kidnappers panicked!  Suddenly, Lucas felt a sharp blade plunged into his chest.  He knew he was done for!  The panic-stricken kidnappers had stabbed him in a fluster.   Blood oozed out of his gaping wound.  Out of the blue, wails of siren echoed in a distance. However, it was too late - Lucas was dead.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau