Thursday, September 26, 2013

Four-year-old kid makes Kenya mall attacker say sorry


The attacker took pity on the family and bizarrely handed the children Mars bars before telling them: “Please forgive me, we are not monsters.”

NAIROBI: Four-year-old British boy caught up in the Kenya mall massacre showed astonishing bravery by confronting a marauding gunman who ended up begging for his forgiveness, it has been revealed.

Elliot Prior, from Windsor, Berkshire, told one of the terrorists that he was a “very bad man” as he protected his mother, Amber, who had been shot in the leg, and six- year- old sister Amelie.

Incredibly, the attacker took pity on the family and bizarrely handed the children Mars bars before telling them: “Please forgive me, we are not monsters.” His mother, Amber and uncle Alex, told of the family’s terrifying escape from Al- Shabab terrorists.

When the militants struck, Amber hid under a cold meat counter for an hourand- a- half with her children. “ The terrorists said if any of the kids were alive in the supermarket they could leave. Amber made the decision to stand up and say yes. Then Elliot started arguing with them and called them bad men,” Alex revealed.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau