Sunday, September 29, 2013

O Level: Speech (Estate Upgrading)

Good morning to all of you.

Our estate will soon be undergoing some upgrading work and we have been offered three programmes to choose from, namely, the Lift Improvement Programme, the Home Upgrading Programme and the Interim Upgrading Programme. In my opinion­, the Interim Upgrading Programme would be the most beneficial for all the residents.

Firstly, the Interim Upgrading Programme will improve the overall façade of the estate and includes functional items such as linkways, repainting and new letter boxes. This is great news for us so our estate looks dull as the last painting was done ten years ago and some paint has already been peeled off. Thus, it really needs a new facelift to enhance our living environment. Furthermore, residents have often complained about the inconvenience of moving around the estate under the elements of heavy rain and scorching heat. With the construction of the linkways, residents can enjoy the shade provided while running errands to nearby supermarkets, schools and bus-stops without the fear of not bringing an umbrella with them. The children’s playground and the facilities in the old folks’ corner will also be upgraded. Presently, our playground and old folks’ corner have been poorly utilised. This is because there are little potholes on the rubber floor matting and the equipment is fairly run-down. By improving these facilities, it will bring benefits to the young and old alike as they would be able to be outdoors more often. Most importantly, this programme will be fully paid by the estate central funding which is great news for every resident.

On the other hand, the Home Upgrading Programme and the Lift Improvement Programme are not as well-received based on our survey conducted with some residents. The main reason is that both programmes require the residents to fork out quite a sum of money to pay for the improvement and many find it unaffordable since most come from the low-income families. Hence, our immediate priorities are to make sure that we create convenience for our residents and provide recreational facilities for them at no cost at all.

To conclude, I feel that the Interim Upgrading Programme is the best choice for us since it addresses our urgent needs without having to pay for them. I hope that the considerations I have raised will be taken into account by all of you when polling takes place and help you make an informed decision to make our estate a wonderful place to live in.

Thank you.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau