Thursday, December 26, 2013

PSLE: Finding A Mobile


Scott’s stomach was churning again. He was having a terrible diarrhoea, stuck at a toilet bowl in the school restroom.  Finally, he found relief and was all set to go back to class.  As he emerged from the toilet cubicle, he headed towards the basin to wash his hands.  Just then, he heard a “ring…ring…ring” sound reverberating through the empty toilet.

Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to investigate.  He checked the cubicle and found a brand new i-phone , vibrating and ringing away.  It was a brand new phone and his favourite colour, silver. The phone was what he had been saving so hard for!   Greed filled his heart.  He contemplated seriously, thinking about whether to keep his fortunate find.  Weighing out his conscience and his desire, he finally decided to nick the phone.  He took out his sim card and slotted it into the new phone.  Fortunately, there was no security check on the phone.  Phew!

Gaily, he made his way back to his classroom with a spring in his steps.  He was grinning like a Cheshire cat.  Since the teacher was not in the class, he took out his prized treasure to admire it.  His friends caught sight of it and gathered all around like children gathering around the ice-cream man.

“Wow, a new phone, Tim!” his friends oohed and aahed.

Tim beamed a proud grin, enjoying all the attention lavished on him and his phone.

Just then, Mr Lee, the discipline master, entered the phone with a stern demeanour.  Tim immediately kept the phone in his school bag.

“A boy has lost his phone.  I am here to do a bag check.” His announcement scared the wits out of Tim.  By this time, he was shaking like a leaf.  Mr Lee started looking at each bag, ransacking them all thoroughly.  Tim racked his brain for a solution. There was none!  He knew he was dead meat.

Mr Lee was now two seats away.  Tim stood up and stammered, “I…I… found a phone in the restroom.”

Mr Lee examined the phone carefully.  He then used his mobile to call but the phone did not ring at all.  Mr Lee knitted his brows, wondering why this was so.

Tim replied in a fretful voice, “I… I have changed the sim card.”

A gasp of horror rippled through the class.  Mr Lee took Tim back to his office and gave him the mother of all dressing-downs.  Tim really regretted his action.  He plucked his courage to apologise personally to the rightful owner and vowed not to be so greedy again.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau