Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PSLE: A Surprise Discovery

                It was a cold night.  The howling wind was blowing hard, making the windows clatter.  Even the curtains were fluttering like the national flag on a windy day.  The crickets were conducting a noisy symphony outside.  Feeling chilly, Alson tossed and turned but could not sleep.  The noises were getting on his nerves.  So, he got out of his bed to close the windows.

                When he was closing the windows, he caught a glimpse of movement.  Curiosity struck him.  He squinted his eyes for a moment to adjust to the darkness.  He rubbed his eyes hard, unable to believe what he saw.  He had caught sight of two burly men dressed in black wearing black masks and helmets.  They were carrying a large heavy bag on a stretcher.  The bag was as big as a human being.  What could it be?  Were they up to no good?  A million thoughts rushed through Alson’s mind.  What if it was a corpse!  He was panic-stricken and he was panting in gasps.  Suddenly, the word ‘murderers’ ricocheted in his head. 

                He darted to his parents’ room like a bullet.  He pounded hard on the Oak door with his tiny fists.  “Mummy, Daddy!  There are murderers outside the house!  Open the door!” Alson bellowed with all his might.

                Daddy emerged from his room and stared at him in disbelief.  “Are you playing on a prank on us?  Alson, it is not funny, you know,” Daddy spoke sternly, with his arms akimbo.

                Without missing a beat, Alson dragged his father to the window to prove his words were true.  The two men had just loaded the bag in the car boot and were about to drive off.  They caught sight of Alson and his father watching them and immediately hastily sped away.

                Alson’s father spurted to his car to give chase.  Meanwhile, Alson who remembered the car plate number immediately called the police and recounted what had happened.  Two police officers were doing car patrols nearby were notified.  They spotted the same car and joined in the chase.

                After a relentless chase, they managed to stop the getaway car and apprehended the two men.  The men turned out to be the new neighbours who had just moved in.  When they opened the car boot, they found that it was not a corpse but it was full of drugs.  The police realised that they had just arrested drug smugglers.

                Unknowingly, Alson had helped the police to crack a major case.  The police had been after these two men for a long time.  The police thanked Alson’s father and complimented Alson for his vigilance.  Alson was even presented a police badge for his prompt action. 


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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau