Saturday, April 12, 2014

Senses, senses and more senses

School in the Morning

The sky was still dark (sight) and the air was cold and refreshing (touch). The rusty (touch) school gate had already swung open to welcome (personification) the students' arrival. Soon, a trickle of them ambled in. Soon, more arrived and before long, the sun bathed the school in its warm light and a sea of white uniforms gathered at the parade square, chattering non-stop like rumourmongers gossiping in the market (sound). Enthusiasm was in the air. The school bell chimed, catching everyone's attention.

A Busy Shopping Mall

The gigantic shopping mall was packed (touch) with shoppers, milling (sight) about like the bees in a busy beehive. Exuberance (feeling) was everywhere since Christmas was around the corner. Christmas carols (sound) were blaring from the speakers. Makeshift stalls were adorned with Christmas decorations, hoping to attract customers. Joyful chatters filled the air.

A Busy Theme Park

Deafening music blared (sound) from the speakers, as if to welcome the visitors (personification). The crazy (personification) roller coaster was already busy at work (personification), zooming up and down (sight), left and right, to the delight (feeling) of the screaming (sound) children. They were definitely on cloud nine (feeling) on this special day. The merry-go-round rides were spinning (touch, sight) round and round like the spinning top , making the adults dizzy (feeling). Children were pestering (sight, sound) their parents to buy them sticky (touch) golden (sight) popcorn and cotton candy (sight). Colourful balloons (sight) in rainbow colours or cartoon characters swayed to and fro (sight) in the breeze while tied to the makeshift wooden shopping carts (sight).

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau