Thursday, March 20, 2014

Using Five Senses to Describe a Haunted House

Out of curiosity, Alson and Junhui entered a dilapidated house.   A musty and stale odour lingered in the air.  They were not afraid.  Using their handkerchiefs, they covered their noses as they walked further into the abandoned house.  The living room was full of cobwebs and huge hairy spiders. In a corner was a suite of broken furniture covered with thick layers of dust. The cushions were badly gnawed by rats.  The mouldy curtains were swaying in tandem with gusts of howling wind.  The floor was infested with an army of cockroaches and ants. 
Undeterred, the boys decided to venture upstairs.  The floorboards creaked nosily as small clouds of dust swirled around their feet.  Suddenly, the cold and dead fireplace lit up with flames.    The old chandelier flickered on and off again and again.  Wild dogs started barking gruffly.  The ancient grandfather’s clock started chiming.  Heavy iron chains were heard dragging against the floor.   Bats which were hanging upside down began fluttering around the ceiling and rats scurried across the room, squeaking uneasily.  Then, ghostly figures rose from the ground and their wails ricocheted off the walls mournfully.  Shaking like a leaf, the two boys fled like the wind and ran out of the haunted  house.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau