Tuesday, May 6, 2014

PSLE: A Scary Dental Visit

Jolynn tossed and turned in bed. She had a horrible toothache which put her in such excruciating pain that she could not sleep well. The next day was her D-day for her mother had taken leave to bring her to the dentist. It was a tormenting idea for Jolynn and she was really reluctant to comply. How she really dreaded it!

The next morning came quickly. After breakfast, Jolynn and her mother made their way to the S. Claus Dental Clinic. Her heavy legs trudged towards her destination as her heart palpitated against her ribs.

In no time, they arrived at the clinic. A pungent smell hit her nostrils and almost made her feel like gagging. A patient emerged from the room with a cotton swab in his mouth. The door was left ajar. Jolynn craned her neck and took a cautious peek into the room. A very rotund man was inside busy at work. The cold steely feel of the equipment was injecting more fear into Jolynn. Her eyes widened in horror and let out a gasp of shock. How she wished she could take to her heels and run!

“Mum, can you bring me back home? Please!” she whispered uneasily into her mother's ears.

“No way! Look at the way you are grimacing in pain,” her mother flatly refused.

“Please!” Jolynn clasped her hands together and pleaded, her hapless tears falling down her plump cheeks. However, her pleas fell on deaf ears.

“One more word and you will be in hot soup!” her mother cried, raising her decibels.

Just then, the next patient emerged from the room and the same burly man came out, attracted by the commotion. He removed his mask and flashed his sweetest smile. It was a jolly old man with a mop of snow-white hair . His gentle voice coaxed, “Jolynn, come follow me in.”

At first, Jolynn stood rooted to the ground, panic-stricken. The kind man held her little hand to lead her in. As Jolynn sat down, her eyes squinted from the glaring white light. Her palms turned clammy and shivers ran down her spine. Still, she knew she had to surrender to her fate.

“Jolynn, don't worry. Relax. It's going to be only like an ant's bite. Just open your mouth like the hippo,” the benevolent dentist  teased. 

Jolynn could not help but giggled at his joke. Then, the dentist plumped himself down to his chair and started his magic. The whizzing sound of the machine buzzed into life. Within minutes, her decayed tooth was plucked out.
A great sense of relief washed over her.  Jolynn was immensely glad. Going to the dentist was not a big deal at all. The dentist even gave her a prettily wrapped-up present to celebrate her achievement. Jolynn beamed with pride for she knew she had overcome her greatest fear. She expressed her gratitude by giving the dentist a very big bear hug. Hooray!



1 comment:

  1. PSLE: A Scary Dental Visit

    Jolynn tossed and turned in bed. She had a horrible toothache which put her in such excruciating pain that she could not sleep well. The next day was her D-day for her mother had taken leave to bring her to the dentist. It was a tormenting idea for Jolynn and she was really reluctant to comply. How she really dreaded it!

    The next morning came quickly. After breakfast, Jolynn and her mother made their way to the S. Claus Dental Clinic. Her heavy legs trudged towards her destination as her heart palpitated against her ribs.

    what is the meaning 'S' in [Jolynn and her mother made their way to the S.]?


"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau