Tuesday, June 17, 2014

PSLE: A Surprise Mother's Day Celebration

Ding dong! The doorbell chimed like a grandfather's clock. Junhui rushed to the door and looked out through the door hole. It was the delivery man from Pizza Hut. He came to deliver two large Hawaiian pizzas, chicken wings and a big bottle of Sarsi. Junhui, the middle child, happily paid for the food while Jinming, his youngest brother, grabbed the food from the delivery man and arranged it on the table.

“I want to eat. Can I try?” Jinming asked with saliva drooling from the corner of his mouth.

“No! We have to wait for Mama and Jintao to come back,” Junhui insisted sternly.

Ding dong! The doorbell rang again. Jintao, the oldest boy, returned with a big box. This time, it was the arrival of a gargantuan chocolate cream cake topped with berries and cherries. On it was written in red: Happy Mother's Day.

The three boys had planned a surprise party for their beloved mother. Their father had passed away recently and the brothers wanted to cheer their mother up. They emptied their piggy banks to buy sumptuous food for this special occasion. Multi-coloured streamers and balloons adorned the living room by forming a vibrant canopy that stretched from one corner to another.

The three boys eagerly looked out from the window and spotted a slender silhouette approaching. A wave of exuberance swept through the brothers. They each held a streamer gun and hid behind the sofa. In a faint distance, the clickety-click of the heels could be heard. In the house, it was as still as a tomb as the trio was prepared to fire. There was a moment of pause and the door was hesitantly pushed open.

Pop! Pop! Pop! The streamer guns fired into the porcelain face of their stunned mother. “Surprise!” the boys trumpeted vivaciously. Confetti fell and sprinkled on their mother. Shock gave way to comprehension when Mother saw the words on the wall, “Happy Mother Day!” Bright unchecked tears rolled down from her marble black face. Mother did not even know that today was Mother's Day. She was incredibly touched by the boys' gesture of love.

They began tucking into the sumptuous array of food with glee. When the food was wiped clean, the boys sang a Happy Mother's Day song, created by them, using the Happy Birthday tune. Next, the boys gave a pictorial collage to their mother. It was made up of photographs of memorable times together. Mother was stunned speechless and tears flowed like a waterfall all over again.

Next, it was cake-cutting time. The gargantuan cake was devoured in a jiffy. Everyone agreed it was the best cake ever. Mother thanked the boys for such a thoughtful and memorable party. It was definitely going to be a day that they would always get to reminisce.

Lastly, Jintao ran into the room and took out his Cannon camera. Cheese! Everyone smiled widely and took a selfie of themselves. The photograph was printed out and pasted right on the front cover of their pictorial collage.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau