Thursday, June 18, 2015

PSLE: Insolence

Sunlight flooded brightly into the classroom and the fans overhead whirled briskly, keeping the humidity at bay. Despite the sweltering heat, the students were assiduously copying down notes as Mrs Bala’s monotonous voice droned on and on like a buzzing bee. Shengying gave a long sigh. When was the lesson going to end? Oh, how he abhored Science lessons! His lacklustre attitude was written all over his face.

Feeling super dreary, a brilliant idea popped in his head. Why not play the games apps in his brand new mobile phone secretly? Beaming a bright smile to himself, he gingerly took out his phone and muted the sound. Soon, he was in the world of Fifa 15, taking the persona of Messi, playing virtual soccer and scoring multiple goals. Yay!

“Shengying!” A sudden tap on his shoulder startled him. The boy looked up and saw Mrs Bala towering over him. For a fleeting moment, he thought that Mrs Bala was going to give him a piece of her mind.

“Erm… I think you should keep your phone and pay attention…” Her honey-sweet voice tried to coax him. However, Shengying had just lost his last chance to score the defining goal and it was all Mrs Bala’s fault. Feeling very grouchy, he was in no mood to obey. He was not afraid of her at all.

“No way! You teach your lesson and I play my game,” came his insolent reply.

Ripples of shock spread through the classroom. How could anyone be so rude to the angelic Mrs Bala? Many wore deprecating frowns, shaking their heads in disbelief.

“If you are not going to keep the phone, I will have to confiscate it!” Mrs Bala warned sternly, her voice rising by several decibels. This was the first time anyone had seen Mrs Bala so mad.

“Try if you dare!” Shengying flashed his middle finger and placed his phone on his table, challenging Mrs Bala to take it.

To his horror, Mrs Bala seized it and stormed back to her desk. In villainous fury, Shengying blew a gasket, overturned his table and spewed a string of vulgarities at her at the same time. Everyone stared in utter horror. Looks of stunned bewilderment were etched all over their faces.

The volcano inside Shengying erupted explosively. He stomped towards her and attempted to snatch his phone back. However, she adamantly refused. During the tussle, Mrs Bala lost her footing and fell to the floor. Shengying grabbed the opportunity to take back his phone. The rest of the classmates immediately circled around her and helped her up instead. Everyone was feeling sorry for her, all except that horrid miscreant.

“Shengying Tang!” A voice suddenly thundered from the door! It was the principal, Mr Lee. His arms were akimbo and his face was red like molten lava. Glaring at him through his small circular glasses, his hand held a gargantuan cane that was ready to unleash its potent force on any defiant or misbehaved child.

At the sight of his principal, Shengying’s courage immediately melted like wax. From a ferocious tiger, he instantly transformed into a pussy kitten. “Mr Lee, please give me another chance!” he pleaded, his knees shaking.

“Not another word!” he blasted and Shengying followed him meekly like a little lamb. He gave a long dreadful sigh again. He knew Mr Lee would never let him off the hook. It was one stroke last time for saying a vulgar word under his breath and two strokes the previous time for fighting. Based on the severity of his misdeed, he wondered whether he would be becoming a pink zebra this time.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau