Thursday, July 30, 2015

PSLE: Unwelcome Visitors

Picture 1: A dog
Picture 2: A ladder
Picture 3: A gate

Joken and Steven were talking nineteen to a dozen as they went house to house to ask for donations. Their legs were soon aching like crazy as they trudged on under the sweltering heat. The thick humid air felt like a sticky blanket on their sweaty skin.

Just then, something caught their eyes. It was a massive opulent mansion with an imposing façade. Its tall windows reflected the sunlight casting iridescent rings into their eyes. A myriad of flowers dotted the sides of the garden path and adorned the entire compound. There was even an infinity pool that blended into the landscape. The boys pressed the doorbell many times and waited but no one came.

“Wow, what a magnificent-looking house!” Joken exclaimed. With his curiosity piqued, he longed to enter and take a dip in the refreshing azure pool. As luck would have it, the gate was left ajar and a naughty idea hit him like a lightning bolt.

Turning to Steven, he suggested, “Hey, why don’t we sneak in and take a dip? We will make it snappy, alright?”

It was an awesome idea! Steven broke into a wide grin and immediately concurred. They entered as quietly as church mice and went straight for the pool. Swiftly, they took off their scout uniforms and laid them on the pool bench.

Just as they were ready to plunge in, an angry growl greeted them from nowhere. “Please, please, don’t let it be a big dog?” Joken muttered to himself. As if in a slow-motion movie, the boys turned and saw the most gargantuan dog ever! It was a mean-looking barbarous Pit Bull Terrier! Spit was dripping from its mouth!

The boys were like deer caught in the headlights. Immediately, in their birthday suits, they took to their heels and fled for their lives. Adrenaline was pumping through their veins. They headed for the gates but they had already clanked to a close. The canine and the two boys were running round and round the compound in circles. It was quite a hilarious sight!

Running out of breath, Joken knew that they could never outrun the canine. He noticed a towering ladder that was leaning against the balcony on the second floor. “Up the ladder!” he yelled and Steven followed suit. As agile as macaques, they charged towards it and clambered up at lightning speed. When they were about to reach, the clever dog pounced onto the ladder with such impact that it wobbled and glided precariously from side to side. The poor boys lost their footing and plunged straight into the pool! Splash!

They thought they were safe but they were wrong! The Pit Bull Terrier jumped into the pool and headed for them like a relentless predator after its prey! When would this all end? The boys were flushed with terror and swam to the end of the pool as if to escape from a Great White Shark!

They hit land and continued running. Unfortunately, the floor was slippery with all the water dripping all over. In his haste, Joken fell to the ground with a loud thud. The Pit Bull Terrier charged forward and was about to sink its razor sharp teeth into his fleshy buttocks when a loud bellow rang out, “Hulk, come over now!”

The dog immediately halted its attack and trotted obediently back to his owner. There, right before their eyes, was a burly silver-haired man with a baseball bat in his hand! He must have thought that a burglar had entered his premises and he needed to fight him off.

Imagine his astonishment when he saw two boys in their birthday suits staring at him. His eyes almost popped out of his sockets. “What are you doing here?” he hissed, trying so hard on the inside to look serious and not laugh.  It was incredibly hard!

“We…we…” the boys stammered. Their heads hung low for they were so ashamed of themselves.

“Get out of my premises now,” he yelled. The boys ran hell for leather, straight for the metallic gate!

“Wait! Come back!  Dress up before you go!” he cried. The boys forgot that they were stark naked!  Joken and Steven did a quick U-turn, grabbed their clothes, wore them and soon disappeared down the road until they became tiny dots in a distance. As a saying goes “A burnt child dreads the fire”, never again would they dare to intrude into a private property again.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau