Thursday, August 20, 2015

PSLE: Danger Lurks

Picture 1: A crocodile
Picture 2: A river
Picture 3: A picnic basket

The glorious yolk in the clear blue sky was shining brilliantly. The air was fragrant with the fresh smell of dew. The forest was a panorama of beauty and serenity. The birds were whistling their melodious tune as Natalie and Jay had just awoken from a good night’s rest. They had gone on a camping trip with their dad who was already up preparing breakfast.

The children were in a breezy mood. Jay decided to go snorkeling in the shimmering jade-green river while Natalie was getting ready to fish, hoping to catch a salmon or two for breakfast. Both were having a whale of a time while the smell of barbequed chicken wafted in the air.

Just then, Natalie noticed something unusual. Bubbles from underneath the river were rising to the surface. Was there a huge fish? How nice if she could catch it! The river started rippling little waves. Instead of a fish, it looked like a log. It was dark brown and scaly.

A chill ran down her spine. Her lips quivered in horror for she knew exactly what it was. A crocodile! A gargantuan one! She could hardly believe her eyes. Terror was all over her face. The sight of the beastly reptile made her skin crawl. It was gliding towards Jay like a torpedo!

For a fleeting moment, her heart froze and her mind was clogged up for she did not know how to react. In her panic, she shrieked hysterically. The racket attracted the attention of their father, Mr Thomas, who came rushing over.

Unfortunately, Jay could not hear her with his head underwater. He knew nothing of the impending danger. The jaws of the crocodile opened and revealed rows of razor-sharp teeth. The ravenous creature lunged towards the unknowing boy and snapped. Fortunately, its lower jaw was hooked into the snorkeling mask, ripping it away from Jay’s face. Jay’s head managed to slip from its jaws and instinctively, he began swimming underwater as fast as he could.

Meanwhile, Natalie and Mr Thomas were shouting and clapping to distract the reptile. Mr Thomas, the quick-thinking man, even took some of the raw seasoned chicken meat and flung it faraway into the river to draw the monstrous beast’s attention away in order to give Jay some extra time to swim away. The duo could see the crocodile circling the meat in the murky water before devouring it speedily.

It took mammoth effort for Jay to swim away from the crocodile at lightning speed. As luck would have it, the scrawny boy managed to swim to the river edge. Unable to find his footing due to the intense fatigue, he almost collapsed back into the water if not for Natalie who held onto him tightly.

The children hugged each other, saturated with tears of joy for Natalie had almost lost her younger brother for good. Looks of relief were etched on everyone’s faces and Mr Thomas was glad to have his kids back safe and sound.

The children have learnt an important truth: Danger lurks.  The forest is not as serene as it seems. Beneath the calm is danger lurking nearby. Natalie and Jay have learnt to be vigilant at all times.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau