Thursday, November 5, 2015

PSLE: Halloween Scare

“Eek!” A blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the living room. Jerry was terrified. He was watching a horror movie “Walking Dead” while waiting for Tom to complete his exam revision. The screen on the goggle-box was a sea of bloodthirsty zombies, eager to suck the lives of the humans and take over the world. As the horribly gruesome scenes flashed non-stop on the screen, his heart pounded at an accelerated pace and the air seemed plagued by malignant spirits. The freckled-face boy was shaking like a leaf, pale like a white sheet.

Just then, Tom emerged from the study room. Since it was Halloween, he had a naughty prank up his sleeves. He had done an elaborated make-up and even borrowed a Grim Reaper costume together with a glinting scythe. He had decided to give his timid brother the scare of his life. As quietly as a mouse, he crept to the fuse box and switched off the main power switch. Immediately, the lights went out and the television screen was all black. 

Jerry’s heart beat even faster! Was this the handiwork of ghouls or ghosts or zombies? His imagination went wild. Were they here to take his life? “Tom! Where the heck are you?” Jerry’s words ripped the strange silence into half. There was no reply except for a crow cawing outside the veined old tree. Was Tom dead? Had the evil spirits taken his life already?

“Stay calm!” he thought to himself. He mustered his courage and in the pitch darkness, he groped for his trusty mobile phone and turned on the flashlight app. Gingerly, he scanned the living room. Just then, he caught sight of a tall Grim Reaper holding a razor-sharp scythe with Tom’s head in his hand, dripping with blood. Tom was dead! “You will be next!” A dark sinister laughter echoed through the air.

“Please spare me!” he pleaded with tears rolling down his chubby cheeks. He felt that his pants were wet and a pungent foul smell lingered in the air. “Eewww! You pee in your pants! What a scaredy-cat, you are! Treat or trick!” the ghost roared with baleful intent. “I…I… ate all…” he stammered a reply. The Grim Reaper moved closer. Jerry gulped down the stone in his throat. His impending death was approaching.

Out of the blue, there was a bunch of keys jingling outside as the door burst open. It was Mum and Dad. “Dad, Mum, run for your lives. There is a Grim Reaper here to kill us all!” 

Dad groped and switched on the fuse box next to the main door. The lights came on and with a tinge of annoyance, he asked, “What on earth are you guys doing?” Before his eyes was a hilarious sight. Jerry was on his knees pleading while Tom was dressed as the Grim Reaper holding his own head. “Happy Halloween!” Tom’s voice rang in the air to Jerry’s amazement. The boy’s fear dissipated instantly like a fleeting mist.

Oh, what a prank! Tom leapt of his chair and ran to his younger brother and gave him the hug of his life with all the tomato sauce around his neck. He had definitely succeeded in spooking the living daylights out of his younger brother. “You’d scared the life out of me!” Jerry laughed. “Nice one, Tom! I will take revenge some day!” Jerry winked. Everyone laughed and it was definitely the best Halloween scare ever.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau