Tuesday, January 12, 2016

PSLE: A Snatch Theft

The day dawned bright and lovely. Lexuan, a slender lady with dark chocolate wavy hair, was strolling along a street. Her Coach leather handbag was glinting brightly under the hot sun. It was a gift from her lovely husband and it cost a bomb. 

There was a hustle and bustle as street peddlers were eager to sell their wares. There was a wide variety of goods such as beaded handbags, Disney princess dresses, handmade handicraft and much more. 

Meanwhile, the smell of food wafted in the air and made Lexuan hungry. Her mouth watered when she spotted her favourite deep-fried goreng pisang. She was tempted. Immediately, she hastened her footsteps towards the stall to make her purchase.  She could not wait to sink her pearly teeth into her favourite banana fritter.

Unfortunately, unknown to her, Lexuan’s handbag caught the eye of a malicious robber. He was a burly man with dark shades. Stealthily he approached the unknowing victim. When the coast was clear, he grabbed the handbag, took to his heels and fled like the wind. 

Lexuan became panicky and turned ashen-faced. Turning hysterical, she yelled at the top of her lungs, “Catch the thief!”

Fortunately, beside the goreng pisang stall was a watermelon stall. The stall holder had a brainwave. Without delay, he immediately grabbed a gargantuan watermelon and hurled it at the robber like a beefy shot put athlete.

The enormous watermelon flew through the air and landed on the man's head. The impact was so great that he tumbled to the slippery cement floor with a loud thud. His dark shades broke and shattered into pieces like tiny dark crystals. Passers-by pinned him down like a stack of dominoes, rendering him powerless. Despite how hard he tried to wriggle, it was futile. 

Feeling squashed and enraged, the robber yelled, “Let me go! Let me go!” Nobody listened to his cries. Everyone was waiting eagerly for the police to arrive, hoping that the wicked perpetrator would get his just desserts.

Soon, sirens wailed down the tarmac and the boys in blue finally came. The thief's fate was sealed.  With a slap of the metallic handcuffs, they apprehended the robber and whisked him off to the police station. 

Fortunately, Lexuan had her handbag back and was filled with gratitude towards the quick-witted watermelon seller. In appreciation, she bought a huge watermelon from him and lumbered home with it. She learnt an important lesson to be vigilant at all times. 

Soon, the street resumed its boisterous noise and activities as shoppers resumed their shopping. As for Lexuan, she had already disappeared into the busy crowd.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau