Friday, February 19, 2016

PSLE: A Misadventure

In life, we may make many mistakes. However, we must learn to face the consequences. I can still remember an unpleasant incident that has left a dent in my memory...

The day dawned bright and lovely. I was tremendously excited as it was my birthday that day. I woke up early and realized that everyone was preparing for my birthday party. My friends and their parents came. My mother gave me a catapult as a present. I felt a great sense of gratitude towards my caring mother and gave her a warm hug.

Once I received it, I immediately ran out of the house to practice using the catapult. I saw a stray dog sitting on a bench outside my house. I decided to make it my target for practice. A sinister grin was carved on my face as I aimed at the stray dog.

Skillfully, I placed my thumb and index finger on the fork. I pulled the rubber band as far as I could as I held the catapult tightly in my hands. I loaded my catapult with a stone and took aim. I missed my target. I tried again and it hit a tree and bounced back to me. Furiously, I tried to shoot the dog but I used too much force and shot through my neighbour’s window. Clumsily, I ran helter-skelter through my garden and into my house.

At night, suddenly there was someone pounding at the door. I ran to the door and opened it. I realized that it was my neighbour, Uncle James. He asked my mother, "Did your son break my window?" Both pairs of eyes were boring straight into mine like powerful laser beams.  Beads of perspiration dotted my forehead and my palms turned clammy.  Should I own up?  I knew I was in hot water.

After major dithering, I decided to own up and confess what I had done. He gave my mother three choices. Compensate him for the window, do his chores or fix the window. My mother decided to compensate him. I felt very ashamed of the incident. After what seemed like an eternity, Uncle James finally went back to his house.

I did get an earful by my parents although it was my birthday. I used to think that since it was my birthday, I would never be scolded. But now, I truly understand that I have to face the consequences of my actions. 

Koh Mingzhe, P4

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau