Monday, April 11, 2016

PSLE: Drowning

A recurring nightmare has always haunted me and caused me to break out in cold sweat.  It is a scene of sheer terror, a drowning girl screaming for her life and I standing there helplessly to see her devoured by the gigantic waves.  Little did I know that the nightmare would come true and has continued to torment me since then...

The beach was dotted with coconut trees swaying in the strong gale. Sprays of seawater kissed my cheeks and I could almost taste the salt in the air.  It was a blazing hot day and my younger sister, Jane, decided to stroll along the beach.  Her wavy chocolate locks glinted under the golden sunlight. As for me, I was relaxing on the picnic mat with Punk, our five-year-old Saint Bernard, resting beside me. This pet dog was like our guardian angel, watching over us wherever we went.

Strangely, the weather changed abruptly.  The wind grew harder than ever, causing the coconut trees to bow low.  The sky darkened and ominous dark clouds gathered.

“Jane, I think we should go!”  I called out.

However, Jane, as usual, took my words lightly and ignored me.

“Jane, I say we pack up now!” I raised my volume by a few decibels. She continued to turn a deaf ear.

The waves started roaring with rage.  One rose higher than the next.  All of a sudden, one monstrous wave came and swallowed Jane up. She was dragged out into the murky waters and disappeared under the swirling whitish torrents.  I could barely make out where she was.

"Jane!" I shrieked.  I was in the throes of utter despair.  Where was she?  I was no swimmer at all and horror struck the pits of my stomach.  I was nailed to the ground, stricken with panic.   My stomach had tangled up into dead knots.  I yelled, “Someone, please save my sister!”

But there was no one except the howling wind.  My face blanched with trepidation as a cold chill ran down my spine.  Jane could drown any moment!  Tears streaked down my sandy face as I glared at the angry sea.

Ruff! Ruff!  Punk started barking ferociously, bouncing up and down.  Before I knew it, it plunged itself into the stormy waves.

“Punk, what are you doing!? Come back.  Come back before it is too late!”  I pleaded in between sobs.  The sea was louder than me and swallowed up my voice.  I prayed fervently for a miracle though I knew the chance of survival for both was almost negligible.

Suddenly, two little dots appeared above the waves.  I rubbed my teary eyes in disbelief.  Was it Jane and Punk?   I rushed forward towards the waves that had calmed down considerably.  The specks turned into dark silhouettes of a dog and a child.  It was Punk and Jane for sure but was Jane alive?

With all its might, Punk pulled Jane towards the shore, licking and barking furiously.  Lying lifelessly on the sandy beach, Jane was unconscious, her locks messy and wet.   I knelt beside her and checked her pulse.  It was weak and her breathing was laboured.  Luckily, I had just learnt mouth to mouth resuscitation at Red Cross club and decided to give it a try.

“One, two, three… Blow!” I repeated the procedure profusely.  Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, there was no sign of life.  Jane had slipped away for good.  Punk seemed to know.  With a few wet licks on her face, it let out a long sorrowful howl as if one of its pack had perished. 

That girl in my nightmares was Jane.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau