Saturday, February 4, 2012

How does technology help young people become entrepreneurs?

2/4/2012 Lower

How does the technology make it easier for young people to be entrepreneurs?


Today, technology has become a vital force in all businesses.
Detailed background
This can be seen clearly therough the way businesses use e-commerce, blogging, twitter and facebook to promote their goods and services.
These have definitely helped young people to do business.
I shall now discuss how technology, via Internet tools, has provided this platform for the young to become enterpreneurs more easily.

Body Paragraph 1

Main Point 1
Firstly, the introduction of the Internet online market place has provided businesses a common marketplace to peddle their goods and services.
Example 1
The most common example is the e-bay, an online auction and shopping website.
Discussion 1
eBay's business is to give entrepreneurs and sellers a place to reach buyers, and to give buyers access to the world's largest collection of things for sale.
Thus, youngsters who want to venture into the business world of buying and selling will be able to do so very easily. 
Real-life example 1
For example, a 23-year-old Corey Kossack has founded a company that sold more than $1 million worth of products on eBay in less than 2 years.
Since the world is the market now, it is easier for youngsters now to locate the interested consumers far more easily now than before.

Body Paragraph 2

Main Point 2
Besides providing a ready marketplace for young entrepreneur, the online market has also reduce the cost of business operations greatly.  Rental of stalls or shops are also deemed unnecessary as a result.
Real-life Example
A good example is a Singapore online store, MotherNeeds.  It is started by a young mother who saw a niche market for breastfeeding mothers who need nursing apparel.
MotherNeeds operates from home and does not operate from the traditional brick and mortar concept.  This saves the business owner a high amount of rental costs and enables the goods to be sold more cheaply.
Hence, it is clear that technology via the Internet has helped young people save high business costs and provides a good breeding ground for new start-ups.

Body Paragraph 3

Main Point 3
Furthermore, the introducion of safe on-line payment allow business transaction to be carried out with ease.
An example is the Pay-pal.  Pay-pal is a money transfer site which allows an individual to make online purchases.
Since consumers can now pay for items that they fancy on internet via such monetary arrangement, they can buy any product from anywhere in the world.

Young people, as a result, also benefit greatly as there is a much wider market and do not have to worry about not being paid for the products and services.
Real-life example
Mr Valden Ulman, a IT student in Central Russian, can now provide his IT design services to his clients via a website called   In fact, he now has so much business that he needs to engage more staff.
Thus, technology can help young people who can safely receive the payment for their good and services even if their consumers are across the globe.

Concluding Paragraph

Answer to the question
From the above analysis, technology has really helped young people to become business people better.
Summarize the 3 body paragraph
The introduction of a world-wide marketplace, the reduction in operating business cost and the ease of e-payment have caused a ballooning of young people doing business on their own, either as a sideline or as a full-time job.
In future, there will definitely be more young people who follow suit and become businessmen.  Who knows?  One may even be the next Bill Gates.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau