Thursday, March 6, 2014

PSLE: A Christmas Tree Caught Fire

Christmas was around the corner. The Causeway Point Shopping Centre was thronging with shoppers. Young and old alike were busy shopping among the stalls to their hearts' content. The centre square of vibrant green and reds were lined with merchandise at almost ridiculous prices. In the middle was a gargantuan Christmas tree adorned with multi-coloured twinkling lights as if it was hung with jewels of all sorts like sapphires, rubies, emeralds and diamonds.
Dad and mum, together with my kid brother and I, were out in full force. We had a long list of presents to purchase and we meandered into the bazaar, squeezing between shoppers and their big  shopping bags.
 "Follow me closely, Dylan, and don't get lost again for goodness' sake!" I turned to my brother and issued a stern warning.
"Of course, Sis! You can trust in me!" He grinned with a mischievous wink as deep dimples burrowed into his soft silky skin.
We continued our shopping and my parents were now laden with many shopping bags filled to the brim. I turned and looked behind to check if Dylan was still tagging close behind. He was gone! Not even a trace of him! "That rascal gets me into trouble again!" I grumbled angrily to myself and decided to sneak away and hunt for him before my parents found out.
All of a sudden, a loud blast ricocheted through the air. The giant Christmas tree burst into flames and all hell broke loose in that instant. Smoke and sparks were whirling in all directions. Shrieks of panic-stricken crowd reverberated in the air. People were running amok.
Shock gripped me and my heart pounded like a series of staccatos. "Dylan, where are you?" I  shouted. Behind me, "Dana, come back!" came ringing from behind. It was my parents calling me. I could not turn back. Not before I found my brother.
 Just then, I heard a familiar bawling. I scanned the scene desperately to find the source of the cry. There, a few feet from the burning tree was Dylan, squatting and cleaning his dew-drop tears  from his face.
Out of the blue, a crackling sound sliced through the air. The merciless flames tore the tree trunk apart and the tree was falling right in the direction where Dylan was at. My lanky legs broke into a sprint and with a mighty push, Dylan fell a distance away but 'crash!' half of my body was under the tree. Luckily, that part of the tree was not ablaze yet.

Dylan ran towards me and summoned all his wee little strength to push me to safety. It failed miserably. The flames were spreading fast like a bush fire. The heat was unbearable. "Dylan! You idiot! Run! Please don't stay here!" I beseeched with tears that fell like sparklingdiamonds. He ran forward and hugged me with his skinny hands instead.
All of a sudden, a large shadow towered over us. It was dad! He had seen our distress and came to save us. Together with a security guard, they managed to lift the tree up and pulled me out. Then, with me in his strong muscular arms, my dad raced to the exit and with my mum and Dylan close behind.
As we gathered outside in a safe, cordoned-off area, we saw the golden flames soon engulfed the mall as black column of smoke billowed upwards like an erupted volcano.
"Dad," I whispered, "I am sorry I have almost lost Dylan to the fire!"
There was a poignant pause before he replied, "You are the best sister Dylan could ever have!" and gave me a bear hug. His tears soaked my shoulder wet. That day, I realized that my family had not only escaped unscathed from the monstrous fire but had also emerged stronger than ever.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau