Thursday, March 6, 2014

PSLE: A Blackout at a Shopping Mall

I stood idly among the crowd gathered around the temporary platform with my parents. Keeping my eyes peeled, I searched for my cousin, Helen, who had with her Timmy, my baby brother. Just as I caught sight of them, they climbed up onto the platform, ready to perform their best to win this baby contest. However, as soon as Helen's feet brushed against the edge of the rectangular stage, everything blacked out, as if somebody had suddenly flicked a massive, master switch to 'off’.

The next thing I knew, all hell broke loose. Screams rented the air, mingling with one another in a panicked cacophony of epic proportions. Panic rode high in the atmosphere, and chaos reigned.

As I struggled through the crowd towards the stage, hands shoved me this way and that way. panicked parents were rushing desperately to locate their babies, whose cries added to the chaos. "Helen!" I screamed, my voice being drowned out by everyone else's. I knew any further attempts would be fruitless, so I gave up on screaming and instead focused searching with my eyes.

Out of the blue, a familiar cry made its way through the noise somehow. I frantically searched for the source of cry. Everyone was shouting and running; soon, I lost myself among the writhing mass of people that surrounded me on four sides.

Suddenly a baby came into my sight, a blurry, dark shape. Grabbing the infant, I turned and raced towards the exit. Most of the shoppers were outside already, and now I could see a way through to the exit.

Only when the sunlight lit the baby's face did I realize that this was not my brother! At this point, a panicky woman suddenly came towards me, screaming, "That's my baby!" The infant was snatched from my arms. "Thank you for saving my baby," she gasped, clutching the baby like she never wanted to let go of him ever again. She then dashed off to find her family among the large crowd outside the shopping complex.

Helen and my parents were in front of me the very next second. My baby brother was cradled in Helen's arms, his eyes naturally squinting in the bright sunlight. I felt relieved no end, gasping out an "Oh, Timmy," and taking Timmy from her. I proceeded to hug my brother tightly, relieved that he was all right.

He was still wrapped in my warm embrace when a man came out of the shopping complex. He was clad in a well-fitting, formal deep blue business suit, so I knew he must be the manager of the shopping complex.

"We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, but the wiring of the lights is frayed, and the shopping complex will have to be closed for a few days till we can fix the problem. Also, the baby contest will be cancelled. We beg your understanding," he announced, his voice loud enough for the hundreds of people gathered there to hear.

Disappointment immediately flooded through me, but I knew that I did not care about the contest anymore.  No matter how wonderful the prize, I knew Timmy would have won. My brother is more important and dear to me than anything else and now that I have realized this, I know I will treasure him - always.
Samantha Nah

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau