Thursday, March 6, 2014

PSLE: Playing with Fire

Lanterns dotted the park like a string of fire flies hovering around the trees in a mysterious jungle.  The place was illuminated in a warm orange hue. Laughter rang as children enjoyed the lantern festival, carrying their lanterns like proud peacocks displaying their plumage of colourful feathers.
"Why don't we compete to see who can create the longest trail of lighted candles?" suggested David, the youngest brother with an impish smile on his very round face.
"Why not!" exclaimed Bradley, the oldest of the trio.
"Game!" Rael, the second brother wearing a striped T-shirt, replied in an exuberant voice.
Soon, dozens of candles were meandering all around the layground like glittering dragons on the ground. Everyone was awe-struck by their masterpieces. The boys' faces glowed with immense pride and joy.
However, their happiness was short-lived. A piercing scream suddenly sliced through the air.
"Help! I am on fire!" David cried with a voice of panic. His shorts had caught fire from the candle flame! The other two brothers stared in incredulity at their kid brother, at a loss of what to do.
David stood rooted to the ground, too scared to move. A brainwave hit Bradley like a lightning bolt. Spotting a can of soft drink near them, he splashed it on David. However, it was a bad move — a horribly bad move.
The contents of the can drink was the remains of some alcoholic beverage. Now, the fire grew furious and there was a big hole on the shorts, revealing his sore red buttocks. The fire was spreading
toward his T-shirt. David was frantically using his hands to put out the fire. His screams escalated into high-pitched shrieks!
The situation was getting out of control. Fortunately, the calm-minded Rael who was the cleverest of the trio, then took off his T-shirt, soaked it in some leftover rainwater in the drain and smacked it on the shorts. It worked!

The two older brothers then drew near to examine David's wound. The shorts had holes at the buttocks and scorched marks were apparently all over. No one had the mood to celebrate the festival anymore. They decided to proceed for home.
At the door, mother spotted them. David was trying to hide his buttocks from his mother. Still, he could not outwit her. David expected an earful from her. Instead, their mother burst out laughing when she saw the exposed butts. She then found out what had happened and instructed the boys to be more careful when playing with candles and lanterns. 
As for David, he had a scar on "that" side and the hilarious incident would be forever etched in his mind.



1 comment:

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau