Sunday, March 9, 2014

PSLE: Burglars Caught!

The cacophony of toads croaking was too noisy for Weilun to sleep. It was already three thirty in the morning. He stomped to the window and wanted to close the windows.

Under the moonlight, he caught sight of movements. Curiosity got the better of him.  He rubbed his eyes for a clearer view. After adjusting to the dim vision, he spotted two dark figures moving under the cloak of darkness. They were burly in build and were behaving suspiciously. They were loading heavy items into their van.  Weilun wondered what on earth they were doing.
A sudden thought hit him like a lightning bolt.  It dawned on him that they could be burglars.  Without further ado, Weilun ran to his parents' room and pounded heavily on their Oak door.
"Open the door! Open the door!" he shouted.  Weilun's parents awoke, opened the door and his father barked,  "What's the fuss about?  It's almost four in the morning for goodness' sake! You want some caning?"
"Mr Chen's house has been burgled!" Weitun yelled.  "The thieves are outside his house!"
Still in his pyjamas, Weilun's father sprang into action.  He took his handcuffs and his revolver. "Call the police." he yelled before setting off. He dashed across the road, rushed infront of the van and yelled, "Police!"
The daring thieves refused to give themselves up. Instead, the driver stepped on the accelerator and sped off, almost crashing Weilun's dad. Fortunately, he sprang aside, steadied herself and fired at the tyres.  The tyres punctured immediately and the van could not even move smoothly.
Next, he rushed to the van and ordered. "Hands on your heads or I will shoot!"
The frightened thieves hopped off and surrendered themselves.  Weilun's father handcuffed them and soon, the polite car arrived to apprehend them.  By this time, the gunshot has awoken the neighbourhood. 

Mr Chen recovered his valuables and all agreed that it was a special privilege to have a police officer as their neighbour.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau