Tuesday, July 15, 2014

PSLE: Bullies

It was finally after school. Alson, at a quiet corner, was playing with his brand new i-phone 6, desperate to win his soccer game. “Goal!” he exclaimed as his eyes sparkled with delight when his score kept ascending upwards. 

Out of nowhere, dark shadows loomed over him. Alson looked up and a gasp of shock escaped from his thin lips. It was the notorious school bully, Martin, flanked by his two sidekicks, Jinming and Jintao. 

“Hand over your phone now!” Martin commanded threateningly with his outstretched hand as they glared at him with menacing eyes.

Frozen with terror, Alson shivered like a leaf and backed towards a corner. Martin swaggered even closer towards him. “Give me that phone or you will be dead meat!” he bellowed loudly, his face contorted in ire. 

Alson knew that he was in deep trouble. Shivers ran down his spine and his face turned ashen white. What should he do now? Should he run or fight back? 

He tried to make his escape hastily but the sidekicks blocked him. “Trying to escape? Not so easy! Nobody has ever escaped from the 3X gang!” Jintao snarled, rubbing the tip of his fat nose.

They shoved him hard and he landed onto his butts. As if that was not enough, the trio pounced on him like enraged wild monkeys and pounded hard fists onto his limp body. Alson groaned in excruciating pain as waves of agony swept through him. 

“Give me the damn phone now!” Martin hollered in rage but Alson stubbornly clenched his fingers around his phone tightly, unwilling to let go.

In his fury, Martin's eyes bulged with villainous fire. He stepped onto Alson's skinny hand with all his might. Instantly, the mobile screen cracked into smithereens and the shards cut into Alson's palm. Crimson blood flowed from his wounds. Ouch!  Hapless tears streamed down Alson's cheeks. The sidekicks were shocked! Even they did not expect Martin to be so ruthless. 

At this instant, Rael, the head prefect, was passing by when he overheard soft whimper. His quick wits told him that something was fishy. He went in search of the source of the cry and spied the trio bullying Alson mercilessly. Rael stared on in horror and his heart fell! He wasted no time and crept quietly away to inform the discipline mistress, Mrs Teo. Her mouth went wide agape when Rael related the incident. Swiftly, they went in search for the wayward boys. 

The clickety-click of heels resounded as they approached the trio. By this time, Alson was covered with blemishes and bruises. A great wave of relief washed over Alson as he knew his saviours finally arrived!

A commanding voice rose above the din. “Follow me to the office now!” Mrs Teo bellowed. The boys immediately shot alert and realised that they were in hot soup. Meekly, they marched towards the office like fattened pigs heading for the abattoir while a teacher brought Alson to the sick bay. An ambulance was summoned and it swiftly whisked Alson to the nearest hospital. 

The boys ended up in serious trouble. The police was called in and a police report was filed. The boys had to attend juvenile court and the judge subsequently sentenced them to months of community service order and probation.

Fortunately, the bullies have turned over a new leaf and Alson's hand has recovered speedily. Needless to say, the bullies never dare to bully Alson anymore.

Juvenile Court

The Juvenile Court deals with offences committed by persons below 16 years of age. The Juvenile Court is empowered with various options to deal with a juvenile offender, such as committing the offender to the care of a relative or other fit person, community service orders, probation orders, detention and reformative training.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau