Friday, July 18, 2014

PSLE: Supermarket Ruckus

“We must shop fast! Father is coming back soon. If not, we will not have enough time to prepare the scrumptious four-course dinner for Father's Day celebrations!” I reminded, while pinching Roshel's cherubic face. My younger sister's sparkling white teeth glittered as she nodded her head fervently.

Together, we nudged our way into the gargantuan Giant supermarket and meandered through the busy aisles. Bustling crowd of shoppers were doing their meticulous shopping, cramming their trolleys with victuals. 

Roshel was all smiles and exuberance bubbled inside her. She could hardly contain her excitement. “May I push the trolley, please?” Roshel pleaded in her bubbly voice. Before I could even answer, she grabbed the trolley bar and whizzed off.

Despite her puny frame, Roshel was able to push the trolley at breakneck speed. Girlish giggles escaped from her pinkish lips as she zoomed down the aisle, treating it like the F1 race track.   However, her delight was fleeting. In a split second, she accidentally tripped over and toppled forward. 

The metallic cart gained its own momentum and went out of control.  It zoomed forwards and shoppers started dodging it. Unfortunately, an earth-shattering tumble ensued. It crashed into a tower of sardines cans which came cascading downwards onto the ceramic floor. Some cans even slammed onto a stroller with a sleeping toddler inside!  The little girl was immediately awakened and starting wailing in excruciating pain due to the heavy impact.

Everything came to a standstill. Roshel and I were in dismay, staring speechless at the scene that had just unfolded right before our eyes. Our hearts lodged in our throats as our faces blanched in trepidation. Onlookers were staring at us disdainfully. 

Immediately, the appalled mother rushed towards her child and carried her in her comforting arms. She tried to soothe her but no words could calm her down. Big tears coursed down the little girl's rosy cheeks.

Frustration mounted and fury began radiating out of the mother's pores. Her eyes flashed with simmering anger and her lips curled in distaste as she glowered at Roshel. She marched towards us and 'smack!' instinctively gave her a tight slap. My sister was stunned! A red palm print appeared instantly.  The mother then started berating her at the top of her high-pitched, nasal voice.

Roshel realized she was done for and had to face the music.   She fumbled for words of apology but could not.  She knew she was in the devil's pits. Her legs felt like lead and she stood as still as a Roman statue. 

As if that was not enough, the bellicose manager stomped into the picture. His unwavering glare of hot coals was fixated on us. I clutched Roshel's little hand tightly and pleaded for forgiveness on her behalf. However, my pleas fell on deaf ears. Roshel stifled her sobs and hung her head in humilation as she received the mother of all dressing-downs. She was utterly embarrassed!

In the end, Father came to our rescue but our savings were exhausted in paying for the dented sardines cans and Father even needed to top up. Fortunately, he did not scold us.

When we returned home, instead of a nice scrumptious dinner party as planned, our Father's Day celebrations consisted of a four-course; the meal consisted of sardines soup, sardines salad, sardines spaghetti and sardines pies for our Father's Day celebrations.  Yucks! 

How to use a semi colon

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau