Tuesday, July 22, 2014

PSLE: Rage and greed never pay

"All I want is a drink!   A mere drink!   Is that just too much?!"  I yelled at the top of my lungs as I pounded on the buttons of the vending machine violently.  In anger, I waved my fist in the air, cursing whatever that was up there.
My throat felt like the Sahara desert, dying from thirst.  I had spent my entire afternoon travelling around Chinatown.  By the end of the day, I was parched, tired and aching all over.  When I spotted a vending machine, it was as if I had finally found an oasis after travelling for days in the desert of deserts.  But alas, my joy was robbed by annoyance and frustration when I discovered that the vending machine was faulty.
"Ah! Why do things never go my way?!"  I yelled, completely infuriated by now.  It seemed like I was the enemy of Lady Luck.  She was always far from me.  I slotted another coin in a fit of pique.  The machine rumbled for a second or two but still nothing came out.  I was exceedingly peeved.  My blood was boiling.  I could even feel a nerve throbbing on my forehead.  I began raining punches like a mad man.  My fists were a blur as I treated the machine like my punching bag while a string of expletives escaped my lips.
All of a sudden, a loud rumble resounded from the vending machine.  And the least expected thing happened!  An avalanche of one dollar coins came pouring out.  I shut my eyes and counted to ten.  But when I opened them, the mountain of coins was still there!  I was rich!  Dollar signs flashed in my eyes as I scooped up the coins and placed them in my bag.  A mischievous smile painted itself across my face.  Perhaps, Lady Luck finally decided to be nice to me after all. 
In the midst of my greedy moment, a large shadow loomed over me.  I swivelled my head around and my breath hitched in my throat.  My mouth hung agape in horror and my pupils dilated with fear.  There before me was a policeman!
"What are you doing?" he asked, anger rising in him.  A loud click echoed through my ears and I realised I was in handcuffs.  Nothing I said would matter anymore.    I was done for.  The game was up.  It was time to face the music.  Lady Luck was definitely cruel.

Ethan Wong

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau