Monday, July 21, 2014

PSLE: Vandalism

"Ah, the school holidays are here!" I shouted with glee, smiling dreamily at the thought of 'bed paradise' which was only a stone's throw away.  I marched home with a smile plastered on my face.  Nothing could dampen my cheery mood.  Well, at least that was what I thought.
As I meandered through the pillars, taking my time to go home, something caught my eyes, I gasped!  "No, no.  This can't be possible.  My eyes must be playing tricks on me," I thought.  I rubbed them in disbelief.  But when I opened  my eyes again, the same scene met my eyes. I never thought that such an obscene thing could happen.  I was completely dumbfounded.  Blood receded from my face as my mouth hung agape in shock.   There before me were two hoodlums, vandalizing the public property with grotesque and disgusting graphics.
Righteousness overtook my sensibilities.  These two teenagers were the perfect epitome of how inconsiderate people can be.  Unfortunately, no one else was around to berate them for their misbehavior. So the job landed on my lap! 
"Excuse me, what on earth do you think you are doing?" I spoke vociferously.  But alas, they feigned ignorance and treated me as if I were invisible.  I repeated my question - more forcefully - but still, there was no response.  The situation was starting to get me on my nerves.  With a huff, I advanced towards them at the same time, shouting yet again.  "Hello!  If you do not stop what you're doing right now, I'll call the police!
Finally, my words reached their ears.  Immediately, they swiveled around.  Their icy cold eyes bored into mine.  All of a sudden, they started barrelling towards me.  Within a fraction of a second, they were holding me by the scruff of my shirt.  One boy was pimply-faced and his teeth were crooked.  The other had a sharp nose and had small beady eyes.
"You wouldn't dare!"  the pimply one snarled.
"Watch me!" I retorted as I began punching the three numbers.
Before I could even press the third one, they grabbed my phone, threw it on the floor and started stomping on it.  My mouth hung agape in shock.  What they did next was shocking beyond words.  Acting on impulse, the livid pimply one lashed out a pen-knife and stabbed me into the stomach in a swift move.  Blood spluttered out of my wound and pearls of crimson red liquid splattered on the floor.  The horrid boys sniggered at my near demise and quickly ran off.
"Come back, come back!"  I mouthed my thin lips as I grimaced in pain,  clutching my stomach which had a gaping hole.  Was I destined to meet my creator? Dreadful thoughts raced through my mind as each second ticked by.   My breaths became laboured and slow.  I blacked out and the world began to spin and fade away.

Ethan Wong

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau