Monday, July 21, 2014

PSLE: Soccer at the MRT Station

I giggled with glee as I dribbled the ball up the stairs of the MRT station.  Behind me, my friend, James, and my bother, John, were chasing after the ball with their arms outstretched.  It was after school and we decided to have a game of soccer while waiting for the train to arrive.
As it was only four thirty, the sation was not crowded, giving us more space to play.  We grew more engrossed in our game as each second ticked by.  It was not long before we were totally unaware of our surroundings and more importantly, oblivious to how close we were to the MRT tracks. 
James was dribbling the ball with his head when I leaped forward to grab for it but instead missed the ball and fell headlong towards the tracks.  I slowly sat up, rubbing the growing limp on m head.  When I opened m eyes, blurring objects were spinning around.  Little yellow brids were flying around my head.  It must be a hallucination!  I did not think anything coul be more unlucky than falling into the "devil's pits".  But alas!  Boy, was I proven wrong. 
A loud honk and dazzling bright lights shook me back to my senses.  The word "train" ricocheted through my mind.  The article of the Thailand girl galling onto the MRT tracks, losing her precious limbs flahsed across my mind.  I was definitely next!
I racked my brain for a solution.  What should I do?  For a fleeting moment, I thought my brain would explode from the pressure.  Suddenly, a single switch cloted the brain circuit an a thousand bubls lit up in my head.  I had an idea!  My fear turned into strength as adrenaine pumped through my body.  I scrambled as quickly as I could towards the small niche in the wall.  I swqueezed into it, hoping for the best.  Within seconds, the train whizzed by missing me by a hair's breath.  My heart was beating so madly that I thought it was going to burst out of my ribcage.
Soon, the train left as fast as it had come.  I grabbed onto the ledge pulling myslef up with  the help of Kames and John.  They began clapping me on my back and lavished me with praises that could not be any more than just flattery.    I was finally able to gather my bearings.  What a close encounter with death that was!  Thinking back, I could not help but broke into cold sweat.
Ethan Wong

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau